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Card Present Payments

Accept in-person payments at brick-and-mortar locations or using mobile solutions.

Card present payments include all in-person transactions during which the customer’s card data is read from the card using a payment terminal. Payrix supports different configurations for card present solutions and facilitates the procurement of terminals for merchants. The card present payment documentation covers the following topics:

This page provides more details about card present payments and the options that Payrix supports.

Key Terms

  • Merchant: The individual or business using a terminal device to accept card present payments in exchange for goods or services.

  • Cardholder: The customer making a card present purchase from the Merchant and submitting their payment on a terminal device.

  • Terminal: The device being used to capture the cardholder’s payment information in order for it to be communicated to the processing bank on behalf of the Merchant.

  • POS: Point-of-sale software platforms that connect to terminals.

  • Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV): A secure credit card payment, with an embedded microchip in the card that creates a unique transaction code that cannot be duplicated.

  • Near field communication (NFC): A set of standards that enables secure contactless credit card payments through smartphones (Apple Pay or Google Pay) within close proximity to a terminal.

  • Contactless: Contactless payments allow cardholders to tap or hover their chip card or smartphone near a terminal to make a payment, eliminating the need to make physical contact with the terminal.

Understanding Card Present Setup Options

The sections below describe the options available to merchants when setting up terminals and devices for card present payments. The best option for a merchant depends on the level of integration they want between their POS/Payrix account and the terminal or device.

Integrated Devices

Fully integrated Bluetooth terminals automatically communicate transactions submitted on the Merchant’s existing app to their Payrix account, supporting seamless transaction management, reporting, and full integration with the Payrix Platform and Portal.

  • BBPOS Chipper 2XBT Mobile Bluetooth

  • BBPOS Chipper 3XBT Mobile Bluetooth

For more information on integrated devices, see Understanding Integrated Devices.

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