Creating and Managing Users via API
This guide will display API fields (required and optional), testing endpoints, and requirements for each field using the Payrix API. Successfully creating a user via the API provides use cases for a white-labeled, seamless integration of new users to your platform.
Creating a User via API
In order to have a Login ID to use via the API when creating users, you’ll need to start by creating one user first within the Portal.
Visit the Portal Dashboard
Click Users (under the Management Tab)
Click the Add User button and set the Role, Username, Password, Full Name, and Email Address.
Click on the newly created user from the User's menu
You’ll find the Login ID under “Parent Login ID” within the User sub-menu.
Use this to query the Login ID using the /logins endpoint.
Afer completing this process the first time you can then use this as a template for creating additional users with the desired roles and permissions using the API.
Required fields to create a User via API
Required Field | Field (Code) | Description |
| The user’s associated roles, stored as a bit field. | |
Username |
| The username associated with this Login. This field is stored as a text string, all lowercase, and must be between 0 and 50 characters long |
| The password associated with this Login. This field is stored as a text string and must be between 0 and 100 characters long. Password Requirements:
| |
First Name |
| The first name associated with this Login. |
Last Name |
| The last name associated with this Login. |
Email Address |
| The email address associated with this Login. |
| Whether or not this user should have access to portal functionality. | |
| Stores the entity portion of a single facilitator, vendor or merchant. Common business-related details for each type of entity are stored here (like name and address) as well as management details (like which |
Although the API documentation lists several fields as “required”, a user can still be created via API with roles, username, password, first, last, email, portal access, entities. Frozen will default to “Not Frozen”, and inactive will default to “active”.
Optional fields to create a User via API
Optional Field | Field (Code) | Description |
Middle Name |
| The middle name associated with this Login. |
Login |
| The identifier of the Login. |
Division |
| The division that this Login belongs to. |
Parent Division |
| The parent division that this Login belongs to. Children of this Login will inherit its parent division. |
Phone Number |
| The phone number associated with this Login. This field is stored as a text string and must be between 10 and 15 characters long. |
Fax Number |
| The fax number associated with this Login. This field is stored as a text string and must be between 10 and 15 characters long. |
| Whether this resource is marked as inactive. | |
| Whether this resource is marked as frozen. | |
| Whether the email associated with this Login was confirmed. This field is stored as an integer and will be set to '1' when the email is confirmed. | |
| the resources and actions whitelisted for this user, stored as a string-JSON
| |
| the resources and actions blacklisted for this user, stored as a string-JSON:
| |
Address 1 |
| The first line of the address associated with this Login. This field is stored as a text string and must be between 1 and 500 characters long. |
Address 2 |
| The second line of the address associated with this Login. This field is stored as a text string and must be between 1 and 500 characters long. |
City |
| The name of the city in the address associated with this Login. This field is stored as a text string and must be between 1 and 500 characters long. |
| The state associated with this Login. If in the U.S. this is specified as the 2 character postal abbreviation for the state, if outside of the U.S. the full state name. This field is stored as a text string and must be between 2 and 100 characters long. | |
Zip |
| The ZIP code in the address associated with this Login. This field is stored as a text string and must be between 1 and 20 characters long. |
| The country associated with this Customer. Valid values for this field is the 3-letter ISO code for the country. |
Additional Information
Required Fields
Roles can only be created in context to your permissions
A password must have the following:
Your password must be at least 8 characters long
Your password must contain at least 3 of: uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number or symbol
Code Example:
Portal Access
0 | No access to the portal |
1 | Has access to the portal |
- The legal business type.
The allowed values are:
- Sole Proprietor1
- Corporation2
- Limited Liability Company3
- Partnership4
- Association5
- Non-Profit Organization6
- Governmental Organization
Code Example:
Optional fields to create a User via API
Available Values:
0 | Active |
1 | Inactive |
Available Values:
0 | Not frozen |
1 | Frozen |
Available Values:
Boolean of 0 or 1
Allowed Resources
Naming conventions for Allowed Resources and Restricted Resources are case sensitive and must be lowercase.
allowedresources, restrictedresources
Restricted Resources
Naming conventions for Allowed Resources and Restricted Resources are case sensitive and must be lowercase.
allowedresources, restrictedresources
Available Values:
AL | Alabama |
AK | Alaska |
AZ | Arizona |
AR | Arkansas |
CA | California |
CO | Colorado |
CT | Connecticut |
DE | Delaware |
DC | District of Columbia |
FL | Florida |
GA | Georgia |
HI | Hawaii |
ID | Idaho |
IL | Illinois |
IN | Indiana |
IA | Iowa |
KS | Kansas |
KY | Kentucky |
LA | Louisiana |
ME | Maine |
MD | Maryland |
MA | Massachusetts |
MI | Michigan |
MN | Minnesota |
MS | Mississippi |
MO | Missouri |
MT | Montana |
NE | Nebraska |
NV | Nevada |
NH | New Hampshire |
NJ | New Jersey |
NM | New Mexico |
NY | New York |
NC | North Carolina |
ND | North Dakota |
OH | Ohio |
OK | Oklahoma |
OR | Oregon |
PA | Pennsylvania |
RI | Rhode Island |
SC | South Carolina |
SD | South Dakota |
TN | Tennessee |
TX | Texas |
UT | Utah |
VT | Vermont |
VA | Virginia |
WA | Washington |
WV | West Virginia |
WI | Wisconsin |
WY | Wyoming |
AA | U.S. Armed Forces - Americas |
AE | U.S. Armed Forces - Europe |
AP | U.S. Armed Forces - Pacific |
AS | American Samoa |
FM | Federated States of Micronesia |
GU | Guam |
MH | Marshall Islands |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands |
PR | Puerto Rico |
PW | Palau |
UM | U.S. Minor Outlying Islands |
VI | U.S. Virgin Islands |
Available Values:
ABW | Aruba |
AFG | Afghanistan |
AGO | Angola |
AIA | Anguilla |
ALA | Aland Islands |
ALB | Albania |
AND | Andorra |
ARE | United Arab Emirates |
ARG | Argentina |
ARM | Armenia |
ASM | American Samoa |
ATA | Antarctica |
ATF | French Southern Territories |
ATG | Antigua and Barbuda |
AUS | Australia |
AUT | Austria |
AZE | Azerbaijan |
BDI | Burundi |
BEL | Belgium |
BEN | Benin |
BES | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba |
BFA | Burkina Faso |
BGD | Bangladesh |
BGR | Bulgaria |
BHR | Bahrain |
BHS | Bahamas |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
BLM | Saint Barthélemy |
BLR | Belarus |
BLZ | Belize |
BMU | Bermuda |
BOL | Bolivia, Plurinational State of |
BRA | Brazil |
BRB | Barbados |
BRN | Brunei Darussalam |
BTN | Bhutan |
BVT | Bouvet Island |
BWA | Botswana |
CAF | Central African Republic |
CAN | Canada |
CCK | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
CHE | Switzerland |
CHL | Chile |
CHN | China |
CIV | Côte d’Ivoire |
CMR | Cameroon |
COD | Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
COG | Congo |
COK | Cook Islands |
COL | Colombia |
COM | Comoros |
CPV | Cape Verde |
CRI | Costa Rica |
CUB | Cuba |
CUW | Curaçao |
CXR | Christmas Island |
CYM | Cayman Islands |
CYP | Cyprus |
CZE | Czech Republic |
DEU | Germany |
DJI | Djibouti |
DMA | Dominica |
DNK | Denmark |
DOM | Dominican Republic |
DZA | Algeria |
ECU | Ecuador |
EGY | Egypt |
ERI | Eritrea |
ESH | Western Sahara |
ESP | Spain |
EST | Estonia |
ETH | Ethiopia |
FIN | Finland |
FJI | Fiji |
FLK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
FRA | France |
FRO | Faroe Islands |
FSM | Micronesia, Federated States of |
GAB | Gabon |
GBR | United Kingdom |
GEO | Georgia |
GGY | Guernsey |
GHA | Ghana |
GIB | Gibraltar |
GIN | Guinea |
GLP | Guadeloupe |
GMB | Gambia |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau |
GNQ | Equatorial Guinea |
GRC | Greece |
GRD | Grenada |
GRL | Greenland |
GTM | Guatemala |
GUF | French Guiana |
GUM | Guam |
GUY | Guyana |
HKG | Hong Kong |
HMD | Heard Island and McDonald Islands |
HND | Honduras |
HRV | Croatia |
HTI | Haiti |
HUN | Hungary |
IDN | Indonesia |
IMN | Isle of Man |
IND | India |
IOT | British Indian Ocean Territory |
IRL | Ireland |
IRN | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
IRQ | Iraq |
ISL | Iceland |
ISR | Israel |
ITA | Italy |
JAM | Jamaica |
JEY | Jersey |
JOR | Jordan |
JPN | Japan |
KAZ | Kazakhstan |
KEN | Kenya |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan |
KHM | Cambodia |
KIR | Kiribati |
KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
KOR | Korea, Republic of |
KWT | Kuwait |
LAO | Lao People's Democratic Republic |
LBN | Lebanon |
LBR | Liberia |
LBY | Libya |
LCA | Saint Lucia |
LIE | Liechtenstein |
LKA | Sri Lanka |
LSO | Lesotho |
LTU | Lithuania |
LUX | Luxembourg |
LVA | Latvia |
MAC | Macao |
MAF | Saint Martin (French part) |
MAR | Morocco |
MCO | Monaco |
MDA | Moldova, Republic of |
MDG | Madagascar |
MDV | Maldives |
MEX | Mexico |
MHL | Marshall Islands |
MKD | Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
MLI | Mali |
MLT | Malta |
MMR | Myanmar |
MNE | Montenegro |
MNG | Mongolia |
MNP | Northern Mariana Islands |
MOZ | Mozambique |
MRT | Mauritania |
MSR | Montserrat |
MTQ | Martinique |
MUS | Mauritius |
MWI | Malawi |
MYS | Malaysia |
MYT | Mayotte |
NAM | Namibia |
NCL | New Caledonia |
NER | Niger |
NFK | Norfolk Island |
NGA | Nigeria |
NIC | Nicaragua |
NIU | Niue |
NLD | Netherlands |
NOR | Norway |
NPL | Nepal |
NRU | Nauru |
NZL | New Zealand |
OMN | Oman |
PAK | Pakistan |
PAN | Panama |
PCN | Pitcairn |
PER | Peru |
PHL | Philippines |
PLW | Palau |
PNG | Papua New Guinea |
POL | Poland |
PRI | Puerto Rico |
PRK | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of |
PRT | Portugal |
PRY | Paraguay |
PSE | Palestine, State of |
PYF | French Polynesia |
QAT | Qatar |
REU | Réunion |
ROU | Romania |
RUS | Russian Federation |
RWA | Rwanda |
SAU | Saudi Arabia |
SDN | Sudan |
SEN | Senegal |
SGP | Singapore |
SGS | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
SHN | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
SJM | Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
SLB | Solomon Islands |
SLE | Sierra Leone |
SLV | El Salvador |
SMR | San Marino |
SOM | Somalia |
SPM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
SRB | Serbia |
SSD | South Sudan |
STP | Sao Tome and Principe |
SUR | Suriname |
SVK | Slovakia |
SVN | Slovenia |
SWE | Sweden |
SWZ | Swaziland |
SXM | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) |
SYC | Seychelles |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic |
TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands |
TCD | Chad |
TGO | Togo |
THA | Thailand |
TJK | Tajikistan |
TKL | Tokelau |
TKM | Turkmenistan |
TLS | Timor-Leste |
TON | Tonga |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago |
TUN | Tunisia |
TUR | Turkey |
TUV | Tuvalu |
TWN | Taiwan, Province of China |
TZA | Tanzania, United Republic of |
UGA | Uganda |
UKR | Ukraine |
UMI | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
URY | Uruguay |
USA | United States |
UZB | Uzbekistan |
VAT | Holy See (Vatican City State) |
VCT | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
VEN | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
VGB | Virgin Islands, British |
VIR | Virgin Islands, U.S. |
VNM | Viet Nam |
VUT | Vanuatu |
WLF | Wallis and Futuna |
WSM | Samoa |
YEM | Yemen |
ZAF | South Africa |
ZMB | Zambia |
ZWE | Zimbabwe |