Disbursement Reporting via API
Disbursements following a payout can be reported using the /disbursements endpoints and its associated endpoints:
/disbursements - https://test-portal.payrix.com/docs/api#disbursements
/disbursementEntries - https://test-portal.payrix.com/docs/api#disbursementEntries
/disbursementResults - https://test-portal.payrix.com/docs/api#disbursementResults
To generate a report about a specific disbursement and example would be
call /disbursementEntries
in the API call header, call search disbursements[in]=disbusementID (t1_dbm_xxxxxxxx)
The response field disbursementEntries_event defines the type of transaction entry. Easy examples are:
7 (Capture)
21 (eCheck Sale)
8 (Refund)
23 (eCheck Return)
An example of /disbursementEntries example with returns and other disbursementEntries_event’s, see the CSV below:
Calculating Total Fees
To calculate ALL fees there is no need to breakdown by a specific entry. Rather you can just query isFee = 1 and pull in each item.
Example: in the Header do a search with a value of Entry[isFee][in]=1
Chargebacks / Other
There are a couple options on how you can query these events:
Calculate using the total disbursement amount minus the results of the other queries (ie. CBs/Other = Total Disbursement Amount - Total Sales - Total Refunds - Total Fees)
Pull Chargebacks and Other events via the EventID