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Fee Rules

Fee Rules offer more advanced ways to refine your Fee Schedule to require very specific circumstantial criteria to be met before the Fee will be charged to the assigned entity.

You can utilize any of the Fee Rules below to further specify the Fee Schedule you’ve setup previously:

Fee Rule


Transaction is less than

Applies only if the triggered amount is lower than the amount set in the 'value' field of the Fee Rule

Transaction is equal to

Applies only if the transaction amount is exactly the same as the amount set in the 'value' field of the Fee Rule

Transaction is not equal to

Applies only if the transaction amount is not exactly equal to the amount set in the 'value' field of the Fee Rule

Transaction is more than

Applies only if the transaction amount is higher than the amount set in the 'value' field of the Fee Rule

Credit card magnetic strip was

Applies based on a determination of whether the cardholder was present during the transaction.

Credit Card EMV Chip was

Applies only to transactions processed using an EMV chip.

Signature was received

Applies based on a determination of whether the cardholder added a signature to the transaction or not.

Transaction type is

Applies based on the type of transaction.

Transaction originates from

Applies based on the origin of a transaction.

Payment Card Brand is

Applies based on method of payment.

Payment Card Type is

Applies based on the given payment method.

Interchange type is

Applies based on a specific interchange type.

CVV result is

Applies based on the results of a CVV check.

AVS result is

Applies based on the results of an AVS check.

Card Issuer Country

Applies only to transactions where the credit card used was issued in the given country.

Merchant Country is

Applies only to merchants from the given country.

Merchant MCC is

Applies only to merchants with the given MCC.

Same day payout

Applies only to withdrawal schedules setup as “Same Day” payouts.


Applies only to Subscription payment transactions.


Applies only to transactions that are imported from another platform.

Transaction is International

Applies based on the payment method being international or domestic, depending on the value set.

Transaction is on this Platform

Applies only to transactions processed through the given platform.


Applies only to either misused or not misused transactions.


Applies only to transactions where the payment method matches the given bin number.

Business Bins

Applies only to transactions where the payment method is a business BIN type.

Corporate Bin

Applies only to transactions where the payment method is a corporate BIN type.

Entity matches

Applies only to transactions where the entity performing the transactions matches the defined entity ID in the rule setup.

Funding currency is

Applies only to transactions where the funding currency equals the given currency.

Settled currency mismatch

Applies only to transactions where the funding currency and settled currency does not match.

Funding currency is not

Applies only to transactions where the funding currencys does not equal the given currency.

Funding currency mismatch

Applies only to transactions where the funding currency and purchase currency does not match.

Funding Enabled

Applies only to transactions with the given fundingCurrency value.


Applies based on the txn status.

Transaction related to another transaction

The Fee only applies if the transaction is part of a series of related transactions.

Related transaction is this many days apart

The Fee only applies if the related supplementary transaction occurs a specific number of days after the first transaction.

Related transaction amount is this percentage lower

Applies only if the related supplementary transaction’s total amount is a specific percentage (or less) lower than the first transaction.

Related transaction amount is this percentage higher

Applies only if the related supplementary transaction’s total amount is a specific percentage (or more) greater than the first transaction.

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