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Fee Types

In addition to customizing the existing standard Payrix processing fees, you can create new custom fees unique to your portfolio. Some of the most common custom fee scenarios are:

Fee Type


Boarding Fees

Fees collected from your Merchants as they board the platform.

Chargeback Fees

Fees collected for managing Merchants’ dispute responses.

Convenience Fees

Fees collected from Cardholders for alternative payment method acceptance.

External Fees

Fees collected for services provided outside of the platform such as Visa Fixed Acquirer Network Fee (FANF), Visa Integrity Fees and MasterCard Merchant Location (MC Location) Fees.

Interchange & Processing Fees

Fees collected to reimburse Interchange and other costs assessed by the processor and/or card brands.

Platform Service Fees

Fees collected for enabling payment acceptance for Merchants using your platform.

Risk Decision Fees

Fees collected for triggering automated Risk Decision on an entity.

Risk Service Fees

Fees collected from assessing Merchants third-party risk service usage costs.

Surcharge Fees

Fees assessed to credit card transactions by Merchants to their customers as an additional charge to cover specific costs associated with credit card processing.

Transaction Fees

Fees collected when transactions are authorized or captured.

Value-Added Service Fees

Fees collected for enablement and usage of Value-Added Services like OmniToken and SaferPayments.

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