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Merchant Boarding Status

You can run the following call to get a Merchant’s Boarding status:

GET {{baseUrl}}/merchants/{{Merchant_1}}

API Call Response Values

  • Not Ready = 0

  • Ready = 1

  • Boarded = 2

  • Manual = 3

  • Denied = 4

Not Ready

By default, a merchant entity created within Payrix will be onboarded with the Not Ready status and must be set to Board Immediately for the account to be submitted through either the manual or automated underwriting models. However, we will work with you to set up an automatic onboarding flow to set the Board Immediately status as your clients’ accounts are created. If your portfolio is submitted through a Signup Form, the default status will be Board Immediately. Note that your client cannot process any payments while their account is Not Ready.

Board Immediately

This Boarding status submits your client’s account for payment processing approval and triggers the start of either the manual or automated underwriting process. It is necessary to set your client’s account to Board Immediately (API: 1/ready) as the first step towards getting them fully onboarded to Payrix and approved for payment processing. If your portfolio is using a Signup Form to onboard new accounts, this step can be skipped because by default your clients’ accounts will be submitted with the Board Immediately status.

With our manual underwriting model, your client’s account will change to Not Ready status within a few moments, then will update to Successfully Boarded after review and approval by the Underwriting team.

If your portfolio is using the automated underwriting model, accounts you submit as Board Immediately will change to Successfully Boarded within a few moments (generally, under one minute) if instantly approved, or they will update to Not Ready if their account was flagged during the automated verification process.

Successfully Boarded

This status indicates that your client’s account was approved through the manual or automated underwriting process, and the account is now able to process payments and fully utilize their Payrix account.

Manual Review

This status is set internally by the Payrix Underwriting team and indicates that your client’s merchant account is pending further manual verification. Your client cannot process payments with this Boarding status, and the Underwriting team might request additional documents or validation.

After the Manual Review process is complete, your client’s status will update to Successfully Boarded if approved.


This status is set internally by the Payrix Underwriting team and indicates that your client’s merchant account was declined and they will not have access to payment processing on the Payrix platform.

If you have questions about why your client’s account was set to Denied, you can reach out to your Relationship Manager or contact the Underwriting team directly.  

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