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PayFrame - Digital Wallet Payments

With the PayFrame platform-hosted payment form option, Merchants can seamlessly accept Apple Pay and Google Pay payments from cardholders' digital wallets and mobile payment devices. This integration enhances the user experience by offering more ways for customers to pay and ensures a smooth and secure payment process that takes seconds.

Setting Up Apple Pay & Google Pay with PayFrame

To enable Apple Pay and Google Pay on your platform using PayFrame, follow these setup steps as outlined in the current PayFrame guide:

  1. Register with Apple Pay: Begin by registering your Merchants with Apple Pay to gain access to the payment service.

Note: Google Pay integration with PayFrame does not require Merchant registration.

  1. Integrate PayFrame to the payment webpage: Incorporate the PayFrame into your application or website to enable the acceptance of Apple Pay and Google Pay payments.

  2. Configure digital wallet payment options: Configure the PayFrame payment options to include Apple Pay and Google Pay as accepted methods.

Setup Requirements

Each digital wallet payment provider, like Apple Pay and Google Pay, has unique configuration steps. Users must follow each provider's specific guidelines for proper setup, ensuring seamless transactions and convenient payment management. Additionally, Payrix has requirements for integrating PayFrame to securely host digital wallet options.

PayFrame Requirements

To begin, ensure that you have configured the basic PayFrame library for seamless integration into your payment or checkout webpage if you haven't done so already.

See the PayFrame Integration Guide to learn how to set up a basic PayFrame instance on your webpage.

Apple Pay Requirements - Merchant Domain Registration

To enable Apple Pay as a payment option, merchants must first register their domains with Apple and complete the domain validation process. Only after this validation can they successfully process payments.

The Payrix Portal provides a smooth and efficient Apple Pay registration experience, offering both single and multi-Merchant registration options.

See Apple Pay Registration for details on the Merchant domain registration and validation process.

Google Pay Requirements

To enable Google Pay as a payment option using PayFrame, simply follow the steps outlined below to enable Payrix’s integration with Google Pay.

Configure Digital Wallet Payment Options

PayFrame requires minimal integration effort. However, it is essential to set up PayFrame independently for both Apple Pay and Google Pay.

By following these detailed steps, Merchants can successfully configure Apple Pay and Google Pay within the PayFrame platform's hosted payment form option. This enhances the user experience and broadens the payment options available to Merchants' customers.

Enable Apple Pay on PayFrame

When enabling Apple Pay, the button will automatically display within the PayFrame without requiring additional integration work because the Apple Pay library is already integrated into the platform.

Note: The standalone Apple Pay button option is only available through PayFields integrations.

Enable Google Pay on PayFrame

To enable Google Pay and display the Google Pay payment option for Merchant’s customers, follow the steps below.

Note: The standalone Google Pay button option is only available through Google Pay for Web integrations.

  1. Add the Google Pay JavaScript within the <head> tag:

<script src=""></script>
  1. Add the following Google Pay button <div> inside the <body> tag:

<div id="googlePayButton"></div>
  1. Add the required PayFrame configurations to initialize PayFrame and display Google Pay as a payment method:

  PayFrame.config.apiKey = '<APIKEY>';; // Required
  PayFrame.config.merchant = '<Merchant ID>'; // Required
  PayFrame.config.amount = 500; // Required
  PayFrame.config.txnType = 'sale'; // Required.
  PayFrame.config.googlePay.enabled = true;
  1. (Optional) Set the Google Pay test environment:

PayFrame.config.googlePay.environment = 'TEST',
  1. (Optional) Add custom stylization to the Google Pay button look and feel (example):

  const googlePayButton = document.getElementById('container');
  const button = googlePayClient.createButton({
    buttonColor: 'default',
    buttonType: 'plain',
    onClick: () => { },
    allowedPaymentMethods: [

Note: Use Google’s brand guidelines for help styling the button within the specification.

Tip: Use Customize your button from Google to auto-generate the required JavaScript.

Simulate Payments with Test Card Info

For test cards, simulators, and other sandbox testing options, visit Getting Started with Sandbox Testing.

Google Pay Testing

PayFrame requires test card information provided by the Google Test Card Suite.

To join Google’s test card suite group and receive access to the test cards required to test Google Pay you’ll need to provide your email address in the Google Pay & Wallet Console. Adding your email address to this group will allow you to test transactions using Google's provided test cards on the Google Pay service.

Go Live

When you’re ready to deploy your payment page to a production environment, follow the steps below:

  1. Update the PayFrame Domain from sandbox to production (remove test- from the URL subdomain):

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  1. Update the Google Pay environment to PRODUCTION or delete from the site file:

PayFrame.config.googlePay.environment = 'TEST',


By using the PayFrame production library and removing the Google Pay Sandbox environment safeguard, the payment webpage is now configured for the production environment to accept real payments from cardholders.


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