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Release Notes - March 29, 2024

Portal (Version 24.45.0)


  • The Terminal Transaction Details page has been updated to display a third customer discretionary field to provide additional transaction metadata in the Portal.

  • The Merchant Monthly Statements beta page has been updated to include a description for “Flat Fees” to provide a more concise description of the data captured within.

  • The Disputes Tracker has been updated to include alternate decision workflows with messages only applicable to that chargeback cycle and status to provide a clear indication of evidence (documentation) being uploaded by the Merchant, specifically in a Closed status for “First Chargeback” or “Pre-Arbitration” stages.

  • Various framework element improvements have been made to the PayFields payment form to provide a more responsive and structured library to allow easier customization and integration.

  • Various visual improvements have been made to the core PayFields framework to better support ADA compliance.



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