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Understanding Hosts

A Host is a configuration of whitelabel branding configurations and platform-wide settings that can be applied at a Partition (Facilitator) and Division (Referrer) level.

Note: Division Host configurations override Partition Host configurations. If no Division Host configuration is set up, the Merchant offering will default to the Partition-level Host configuration.

Warning: Only Facilitators can enable Host configurations at any level.

  • For Referrers under the Payrix Partition, submit a White Label Request to our Implementations team to enable your unique Division Host.

  • For Referrers under another Facilitator’s Partition, contact their support team with the information below to have them create the host on your behalf.

Setting up a new Host offers the following options:


The General Host parameters allow the Host to be configured with basic white-labeling information and setup preferences, such as business contact information for the Referrer or Facilitator or defaulting to a Host’s settings when creating new Hosts.

See the content below for detailed descriptions of each General Host parameter.

Click here to see all available General Host parameters.





An option to select from saved pre-existing Host configurations.


Default Configuration

Whether or not to make this the default for all users and entities within a Partition or Division.



The custom name given to the Host configuration displayed in the Configurations list and on the Hosts page.


API Host

The custom URL hosted by a Facilitator or Referrer that Merchants use to make API requests.

Portal Host

The custom URL hosted by a Facilitator or Referrer that Merchants use to access their branded version of the Portal.



The customer service phone number listed in the Portal for a Facilitator or Referrer.

+1 (555) 555-5554

Customer Service Email

The customer service email address listed in the Portal for a Facilitator or Referrer.

Privacy Policy Version

The version number of the current Privacy Policy for a Facilitator or Referrer.


Whitelabel Portal User Interface

The Whitelabel Portal User Interface parameters allow the host to further brand the Merchant experience by specifying logos, colors, Merchant Signup Form availability, and setting data validation requirements.

See the content below for detailed descriptions of each Whitelabel Portal User Interface parameter.

Click here to see all available Whitelabel Portal User Interface parameters.




Background Color

The accent color shown on icons and various components of the Portal.


Level 2 / Level 3 Validation

The requirements for Merchants to provide Level II or Level III interchange data when submitting transactions.

Level 2

Signup Form Mode

The development environment that the current whitelabeled signup form will board self-service Merchants to, Sandbox or Production.


Disbursements Amount Format

The option to display disbursed amounts as Standard ($0.00) or Fractional ($0.00000) for Merchants.

Standard ($0.00)


A custom logo shown on the whitelabeled Portal offering for a Facilitator or Referrer business.

(Upload a 1200 x 1200-pixel image size in PNG or JPG format.)

Email Logo

A custom logo shown on any email notifications sent from the Portal, such as email alerts.

(Upload a 1200 x 1200-pixel image size in PNG or JPG format.)

PayFrame Logo

The custom logo displayed on PayFrame payment pages created by Merchants for customers.

(Upload a 64 x 64-pixel image size in PNG or JPG format.)


A custom icon displayed in website tabs and bookmarks created on the browser.

(Upload a 64 x 64-pixel image size in PNG or JPG format.)

Footer Configuration

The Footer Configuration parameters allow the Host to assign all footer hyperlinks on the Portal to redirect to websites of the Facilitator or Referrer’s choice including Help Center documentation, API documentation, terms and conditions, privacy policy, and support contact information.

See the content below for detailed descriptions of each Footer Configuration parameter.

Click here to see all available Footer Configuration parameters.





The website URL for a Facilitator or Referrer knowledge base or help center.


The URL for the API specification documentation used by a Facilitator or Referrers whitelabeled API.

Terms and Conditions

The website URL for a Facilitator or Referrer’s Terms and Conditions.

Privacy Policy

The website URL for a Facilitator or Referrer’s Privacy Policy.

Support Email

The email address for a Facilitator or Referrer’s Support team.

Support Phone

The phone number for a Facilitator or Referrer’s Support team.

+1 (555) 555-5555

Support URL

The phone number for a Facilitator or Referrer’s Support website for ticket intake.

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