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Use Case: Create a Statement Billing Details Report

As a Merchant on Statement (Gross) Billing, you can use the Disbursement Summary Report and Statement Details Report to create a Statement Billing Details Report, providing a unified view of the statement billing information to streamline the analysis and reconciliation of Statement Billing. This tutorial will walk you through the steps to generate and consolidate the Disbursement Summary Report and Statement Details Report to create a Statement Billing Details Report.



Consolidate a Disbursement Summary Report and Statement Details Report into a Statement Billing Details report.


  • Merchants


  • Portal (Production)



  • You must have a fully boarded Payrix account to perform any of the actions described in the use case guides.

  • Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet software.

  • You must be a Merchant on Statement (Gross) Billing.


Warnings will provide insight or advice to avoid risk, visibility, and product performance issues during this use case.

Warning: Carefully verify data columns when consolidating the source reports together to ensure accuracy.


Tips will provide suggestions to streamline or better prepare you to apply this use case tutorial.

Tip: After consolidation, use search and filtering options in your spreadsheet software to sort the entry data by entity to identify patterns and trends.

Additional Resources

  • See Reporting Values for a table with descriptions of data shown on various reports to help better interpret the report for reconciliation.

  • See Available Portal Reports for more details about each report type mentioned within.

  • For clarification on Statement (Gross) Billing vs. Net Billing, visit the Billing & Statements page.

Balance a Daily Disbursement

1: Access the Reports Page

  • Step 1: Click the PLUS icon next to Reports in the left-hand navigation panel to open a drop-down menu.

  • Step 2: Click Create Reports in the Reports drop-down menu to open the Reports page.

2: Configure your Statement Details Report

  • Step 1: From the Select Report dropdown, select Statement Details Report.

  • Step 2: For “How would you like to generate your report?”, select “Include all up-to-date data”.

  • Step 3: In the Report Date dropdown, set your preferred date range. You’ll also use it as your Disbursement Summary report date.

  • Step 4: (Optional) In the Templates dropdown, select a previously saved report template or create a new one from the parameters being set by clicking the “Add Template” button within.

  • Step 5: (Optional) In the Filter By dropdown, you can optionally add a filter for Divisions, Merchants, or include both.

  • Step 7: Click the Generate Report button to begin generating your Statement Details Report.

  • Step 8: Click the CSV or XLS download icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page to download the report to an Excel-readable format.

3: Configure your Disbursement Summary Report

  • Step 1: From the Select Report dropdown, select Disbursement Summary Report.

  • Step 2: For “How would you like to generate your report?”, select “Include all up-to-date data”.

  • Step 3: In the Report Date dropdown, set the same date range as the Statement Details report.

  • Step 4: (Optional) In the Templates dropdown, select a previously saved report template or create a new one from the parameters being set by clicking the “Add Template” button within.

  • Step 5: (Optional) In the Filter By dropdown, you can optionally add a filter for Divisions, Merchants, or include both.

  • Step 6: Click the Generate Report button to begin generating your Disbursement Summary Report.

  • Step 7: Click the CSV or XLS download icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page to download the report to an Excel-readable format.

4: Consolidate into a Statement Billing Details Report

  • Step 1: Create a new Excel file called “Statement Billing Details Report

  • Step 2: Paste the Disbursement Summary Report data into the new file:

Click here to see the copy-and-paste Disbursement Summary Report columns and data.

Required Disbursement Summary Report columns:

  • ID - The ID for the statement entry event.

  • Date - The date of the sale, capture, fee, refund, or other entry type. 

  • Entity ID - The entity receiving the disbursement.   

  • Entity Name - The display name of the entity receiving the disbursement.  

  • DBA - Statement Descriptor - The custom name for the business as it appears on a customer’s bank statement.

  • Sales - The combined total of all transactions sales making up the disbursement.

  • Refunds - The combined total of all transactions refunds making up the disbursement. 

  • Disputes - The combined total of all withheld chargeback dispute funds making up the disbursement. 

  • Fees - Total amount of fees for the disbursment.

  • Other - Any miscellaneous amounts from other types of charges or revenue for the disbursement.

  • Total - The total of all Sales, Refunds, Disputes, Fees, and others making up the total disbursement amount.

  • Step 3: Add new columns in the file to create space right of each column pasted from Step 2.

  • Step 4: Paste the Statement Details Report data into the file:

Click here to see the copy-and-paste Statement Details Report columns and data.

Required Statement Details Report columns:

  • Date - The date of the sale, capture, fee, refund, or other entry type.

  • Event - The type of entry event.

  • Event ID - Description as supplied with the entry event, where applicable.

  • Description - Description as supplied with the entry event, where applicable.

  • Total - The entry line’s total amount.

  • ID - The entry ID for the entry event.

  • Original Event ID - The original transaction or fee.

  • Reference Entity - Displays the paying or collecting entity reference number.

  • Reference Entity Name - Displays the name of the entity.

  • From Entity Name - Displays the name of the entity sending the funds (Payer), empty for Merchants.

  • To Entity Name - Determines the entity that is receiving the funds. (Collector).

  • On Entity - Triggering entity that generated the event, usually the same as ‘From Entity’.

  • On Entity DBA - The display name of the triggering entity that generated the event.

  • Statement Date - The date when the statement entry occurred.

  • Statement ID - Statement ID which correlates to the Statement ID on the Balance Details Report.

  • Fee Name - The name of the fee being charged.

  • Fee Rate (% or $) - Fee $ or % depending on fee setup.

  • Fee Amount - Total amount of the line item fee.

  • Fee Interchange/Assessments - Clarity on an assessment when the event is interchange.

  • Fee Interchange/Assessments Rate (% or $) - Interchange $ or % depending on fee setup.

  • Fee Interchange/Assessments Amount - Total amount of the interchange line item fee.

  • Disbursement ID–Payout - This is the Disbursement ID of the payout, an event line item.

  • Disbursement ID–Payout Status - Status of the disbursement payout.

  • Step 5: Align each column with the corresponding title to ensure the data is correctly lined up. Date next to Date, Fee Amount next to Fees, and so on.

  • Step 6: Delete any duplicate data to complete consolidation.

Result: Use this Statement Billing Details Report to get consolidated details of each Statement entry including fees and interchange rates to find trends or for general recordkeeping.

Next Steps

Once the Statement Billing Details Report has been created, review the following use case guides for additional information on related topics:


Once the report is created, you now have a unified view of your statement billing information in a single spreadsheet.


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