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Use Case: Reset User Login Password

You can reset your login password for the portal in scenarios where you forget it. This tutorial walks you through the steps to reset your password and re-enable your portal access.


Forgot Password link at login


Reset your user’s portal account password if forgotten.


  • Referrers

  • Merchants


  • Portal (Sandbox)

  • Portal (Production)


  • You must have a completely boarded user that has successfully logged in after receiving the first-time login verification email.


Warning: If you also lose your device used for your multi-factor authentication (MFA) login, you’ll be required to reset your user’s enrollment with MFA as well.

Warning: When updating your password, you may not use any of the past 5 previously used passwords.

Reset your Portal Password

Ensure that you complete all steps in the following sections.

Send Forgot Password Reset Email

  1. Navigate to or and click Forgot Password?

  2. Enter the email address associated with your account, and click Send Code.

Enter Reset Code and Change Password

  1. Either click the link provided in the password reset email you received from the Payrix Portal, or enter the CODE and USERNAME from the password reset email you received into the password reset form.

  2. Enter a new password and click Change Password to complete the process.

Result: You’ve successfully reset your portal user account password. Your access to the portal is restored, allowing you to login with your updated credentials.


You have successfully completed the process of resetting your login password.

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