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Use Cases: Chargebacks

Welcome to the Chargebacks Use Case Tutorials!

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Payrix Portal user, these tutorials are designed to help you acknowledge, track, review, and respond to each chargeback dispute stage when customers identify and report events surrounding the transaction, such as fraud, processing errors, or general cardholder disputes regarding the amount or circumstances of the transaction. Explore step-by-step guides with tips and resources tailored to users of the platform.

What you’ll learn:

  • Tracking chargebacks: How and where new and existing chargebacks can be monitored

  • Responding to dispute stages: Your response options for each chargeback's dispute stages

Dive into the tutorials below and start your journey toward mastering chargebacks.

Chargebacks Use Cases

Tip: New to the platform? Enhance your understanding of key concepts and processes by exploring reference material for chargebacks:

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