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Understanding Access Templates

An Access Template determines what features a user can access while logged in to the portal. Using an Access Template, roles can be automatically configured to a new user during setup in the portal. See User Roles for all available role resources that can be applied to an Access Template.

For example, an Access Template can be configured for a new user that restricts them from creating payouts, adding new bank accounts, or sending or configuring Merchant signup forms.


It's essential to understand the different purposes of Access Templates, Teams, and Groups within the platform:

  • Access Templates: Define a user’s access to specific features on the platform.

  • Teams: Determine a user’s administrative access within their business’s account.

  • Groups: Set fees, risk decisions, and other parameters for multiple Merchants at once.

For more information, see Understanding Teams and Understanding Groups.

How to Setup an Access Template

Complete the following steps to set up an Access Template in the portal:

  1. Click Users within the Management category on the left navigation panel to reveal the Access Templates navigation link.

  2. Click Access Templates.

  3. Click ADD ACCESS TEMPLATE in the upper right.

  4. Select a user type from the Select User Type dropdown. After, click Next.

  5. Enter a Name and optional Description for the new Access Template. Then, click Next.

  6. In the Review & Customize Access section, review each resource category, that is, the user’s capability, for the chosen User Type.

  7. Click the checkbox next to each resource you’d like to provision for the template.
    For more segmented capabilities by resource, click the arrow to the right of the toggle checkbox to open the Detailed Permissions panel. This panel provides up to 5 permissions per resource:

    • Create: Access to create content from the enabled resource.

    • Full View: Access to view content from the enabled resources.

    • Summary View: Access to view monetary totals from the enabled role resource.

    • Update: Access to update content from the enabled role resource.

    • Delete: Access to delete content from the enabled role resource.

    You can also click the Advanced button in the Review & Customize Access heading to adjust role resources in bulk by permission or apply custom API roles where available.


See User Roles for more information about user role resources that can be applied to Access Templates.

  1. Click Create at the bottom of the page when complete to finish setting up the Access Template.

Result: The Access Template is now available for selection in the Role dropdown in the Add a New User dialog found on the Users page. When selected, the new Access Template user role settings will be applied to the user account on creation.


Access Templates can only be applied by creating a new user, and only one Access Template can be applied to each user.

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