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Understanding Access Templates

An Access Template determines what capabilities a Merchant has while logged in to the Portal. Using an Access Template, roles can be automatically configured to a new user during setup in the Portal. See User Roles for all available role resources that can be applied to an Access Template. For example, an Access Template can be configured for a new user that does not allow them to send or configure additional signup forms for new Merchants.

Access Templates vs. Teams vs. Groups

  • Access Templates determine a Merchant’s Portal capabilities.

  • Teams determine the Merchant Portal accounts a user has access to.

  • Groups determine the fees, risk decisions, and other parameters of multiple Merchants (entities).

How to Setup an Access Template

See the content below for steps to set up an Access Template:

Click here to learn how to setup an Access Template in the Portal.
  1. From the Portal Dashboard menu, click Access Templates (from the Users sub-menu – under the Management tab.)

  1. From the Access Templates menu, click (plus) ADD ACCESS TEMPLATE.

  1. Select the desired default role from the Select Role dropdown menu.

  1. Name the new Access Template and set the desired custom role resources and sub-resources, then click Save.

Warning: Access Templates can only be applied by creating a new user, and only one Access Template can be applied to each user.

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