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User Account Information (R)

The User Account Information page contains details about your Payrix account, including your login information, saved information and contact details for your business, and information about business owners and bank accounts. On this page, you can change your password, edit bank account details, and control several other key aspects of your Payrix account.

To access the User Account Information page:

  1. Click Settings in the left hand navigation panel.

  2. Click User Account Information in the User Settings section of the Settings page.

Partial view of the Business Information page, including the Business tab.

User Account Information Features

Click here to view the features of the Business Information page.

The User Account Information page is divided into tabs that contain information about specific aspects of your business profile. To view a tab, click the tab name in the left hand side of the page.

Tip: You can also access specific tabs of the User Account Information via the following Settings links: Business Information, Ownership Information, or Account Information.

Login Tab

The Login tab allows you to change how you log in to the portal, including changing your password or enabling single sign-on. You can also add IP addresses to a whitelist or blacklist to control who can log in to your account. The Login tab includes the following editable details:

Login Tab Field Name


First Name

Your first name.

Last Name

Your last name.


The street address portion of your mailing address.

Address 2

The suite number or other information associated with your address.


The city portion of your mailing address.


The state portion of your mailing address.


The zip code portion of your address.


The country portion of your mailing address.


The Payrix-generated ID number associated with your account.


Your email address.


Your phone number.


Your fax number.


The status of your account: Active, or Inactive.

User Name

Your user name, which you use to log in to the Payrix portal.


Your password, which you use to log in to the Payrix portal.

Division ID

The Payrix-generated ID number associated with your division.

Login Tab Actions

The Login tab supports editing your login information and enabling single sign-on.

To edit the Login tab information:

  1. Click the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the tab.

  2. Enter your information.

  3. Click the CHECKMARK icon to save your changes or the X icon to discard changes.

To enable single sign-on:

  1. Click the ENABLE SINGLE SIGN-ON button to open the One Login page.

  2. Enter your Username and Password to continue.

  3. Follow the prompts to enable single sign-on to your account or discard your changes and return to the Login tab by clicking the back button in your browser window.

Note: Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication system that allows you to log in with a single ID to any of several related websites.

Login Tab IP Address Listings

The bottom of the Login tab contains IP addresses that you have either whitelisted or blacklisted to control who can log in to your account. This section also allows you to add a new IP address to either list.

Note: Adding an IP address to the blacklist may restrict your access to API and Portal resources. If you are connected from the same IP address that you add to the blacklist, you will be disconnected from the Portal and any API sessions.

The IP addresses are displayed in tables for both the whitelist and blacklist, including the following information:

IP Address White/Blacklist Table Column Name



The date that the IP address was added to the list.


The last date that the IP address will be included on the list.


The status of the IP address: Active or Inactive.

Login Tab IP Address Listings Section Actions

The Login Tab IP Address Listings section supports adding a new IP address and removing a saved IP address.

To add a new IP address to a list:

  1. Click the ADD NEW IP ADDRESS button located in the top right hand corner of either the Whitelist section or the Blacklist section.
    The Add New IP Address lightbox will open in the page.

  2. Enter the required information.

  3. Click ADD NEW IP ADDRESS to save the address.

To remove a saved IP address from a list:

  1. Click the X icon on the right hand side of the page to open the Delete IP Address lightbox.

  2. Click DELETE to remove the IP address.

Business Tab

The Business tab contains editable details about your business, including the following information:

Business Tab Field Name


Legal Business Name

The legal name of the business.

Tax ID Number (TIN)

The business’s tax identification number.


The type of business. Choose from the following:

  • Sole Proprietor

  • Corp

  • LLC

  • Partner

  • Nonprofit

  • Gov


The business’s email address.


The business’s phone number.

Customer Service Phone

The phone number used to reach the business’s customer service department.


The business fax number.


The street address portion of the business mailing address.

Address 2

The suite number or other information associated with the business address.


The city portion of the business mailing address.


The state portion of the business mailing address.


The zip code portion of the business mailing address.


The country portion of the business mailing address.

Custom Description

A description of your business.


The URL for your business’s website.

To edit the Business tab information:

  1. Click the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the tab.

  2. Enter your information.

  3. Click the CHECKMARK icon to save your changes or the X icon to discard changes.

Owner Tab

The Owner tab contains editable details about the owner of the business, including the following information:

Owner Tab Field Name


First Name

The owner’s first name.

Last Name

The owner’s last name.


The owner’s email address.


The owner’s phone number.


The owner’s fax number.


The street address portion of the owner’s mailing address.

Address 2

The suite number or other information associated with the owner’s address.


The city portion of the owner’s mailing address.


The state portion of the owner’s mailing address.


The zip code portion of the owner’s address.


The country portion of the owner’s mailing address.

To edit the Owner tab information:

  1. Click the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the tab.

  2. Enter your information.

  3. Click the CHECKMARK icon to save your changes or the X icon to discard changes.

Account Tab

The Account tab contains editable details about your Payrix account, including the following information:

Account Tab Field Name


Facilitator ID

The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the facilitator.

Entity ID

The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the account entity.


The date that the account was created.

Partition ID

The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the account partitions.

Login Name

The login name associated with the account.


A prefix of the business or login name for the account.


The status of the account: Active, Inactive, or Held.

T&C Version

The version of the terms and conditions applied to the account.

T&C Date Accepted

The date that the terms and conditions were accepted.

T&C Time Accepted

The time of day that the terms and conditions were accepted.

T&C IP Accepted

The IP address from which the terms and conditions were accepted.

To edit the Account tab information:

  1. Click the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the tab.

  2. Enter your information.

  3. Click the CHECKMARK icon to save your changes or the X icon to discard changes.

Banking Tab

The Banking tab allows you to add a new bank account, and displays an editable list of all bank accounts associated with your account, which includes the following information:

Banking Table Column Name



The name of the bank account.

Primary Bank Account

Indicates whether this bank account is the primary account. If it is the primary account, a Checkmark will be displayed in this column.

Routing Number

The routing number for the bank account. For security, only the last 4 digits are shown. To view the entire number, click the EYE icon.

Account Number

The account number for the bank account. For security, only the last 4 digits are shown. To view the entire number, click the EYE icon.


Indicates whether the bank account is connected to Plaid.

Banking Tab Actions

The Banking tab supports editing a saved bank account and adding a new account.

To edit a saved bank account:

  1. Click the EDIT ACCOUNT button in the right hand side of the table row to open the Edit Account lightbox.

  2. Edit your information.

  3. Click the SAVE button to save your changes.

To add a new account:

  1. Click the ADD NEW ACCOUNT button in the top right hand corner of the tab to open the Add Account lightbox.

  2. Follow the prompts to enter information about your bank account

  3. Click ADD ACCOUNT to add the new bank account.

Show More Tabs

Click the SHOW MORE tab to access additional details about your Payrix account including the resources described below.

Tab Name


Work Flows

A table of any work flows associated with your account. For more information about work flows, visit the Work Flows page.


A table of Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) that are associated with the merchants under your account. You can add a new MCC on this tab.


Tables displaying information on active fees, inactive fees, and costs associated with your account. For more information, visit the Fees page.


The Parameters Tab contains a list of editable settings for your account. To add a new parameter, click the ADD PARAMETERS button. For more information, visit the Parameters page.

Related Pages:

Click the items in the page or the links below to access any of the following pages:

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