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Referrer Boarding (Payrix Pro)

Referrers, sometimes called “Vendors” or “Pro Partners,” are middle-man entities that offer a SaaS payment solution to B2B and B2C Merchants using a whitelabeled version of a payment Facilitator’s existing offering. The Referrer can assess billing costs, fees, and profit-sharing configurations to generate revenue from Merchant transactions. Referrers are in a specifically unique position because the Facilitator assumes primary risk mitigation for transactions, minimizing the overall effort and transaction monitoring normally required as a stand-alone payment solution.

Referrers can board the platform under a Facilitator in one of two ways:

  1. Using Payrix Pro with Payrix acting as your Facilitator to manage the primary risk associated and provide the payment gateway.

  2. Using another PayFac-enabled Facilitator that offers Referrer enablement.

Tip: Referrers boarded under the Payrix Pro offering are also called “Payrix Pro Partners.”

Warning: To become a Payrix Pro Partner, you must receive certification from a Launch or Pro Platform Relationship Manager.

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