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Web Alerts (R)

A web alert, also known as webhook, is an automated notification sent from the API server when triggered by a specific action that occurs in your portfolio. You can configure the actions that trigger the alerts to notify you of any event that’s important to your business model. The Web Alerts page contains information about notifications associated with your account and allows you to create new alerts or edit existing ones.

Note: By default, all Web Alerts are disabled. You must enable alerts by using the Add Alert feature on this page.

Tip: To learn more about web alerts, see Setting Up Web Alerts.

To access the Web Alerts page, click Web Alerts in the Admin category of the left navigation panel.

Partial view of the Web Alerts page, including the Add Alert Button and the Saved Web Alerts table.

Web Alerts Features

Click here to view the features of the Web Alerts page.

The Create Web Alerts Link is located at the top of the page, and contains a link to the specific view for the portal for the user with access to the Web Alerts page. You can use the Create Web Alerts link to sign up with another site that periodically pulls notifications based on the configuration of that third party site.

Copy the link using the CLIPBOARD icon and paste to your browser to open the Web Alerts API information.

Add Alert Button

The Add Alert button is located below the Create Web Alerts Link section.

To create a new alert for your account:

  1. Click ADD ALERT to open the Add Alert lightbox.

  2. Name your web alert. Enter the web alert name and any descriptive information.

  3. Click NEXT in the lower right corner of the page.

  4. Attach endpoints by entering the web address that will receive the web alert. Enter any additional information about the endpoints in the Advanced Section.

  5. (Optional): Click ADD ANOTHER ENDPOINT below the form enter additional endpoint addresses.

  6. Click NEXT in the lower right corner of the page.

  7. Set a trigger to tell our API when to alert you. Choose the resource and event from the available dropdown menus and enter any additional information.

  8. (Optional): Click ADD ANOTHER TRIGGER below the form to enter additional triggers.

  9. To save your information and add the new Web Alert, click ADD in the lower right corner of the page.

Saved Web Alerts

The Saved Web Alerts section displays a table of alerts saved to your account, including the following information:

Saved Web Alerts Table Column Name



The Payrix-generated ID associated with the saved alert.


The Payrix-generated ID assigned to the user account that created the alert.

For Login

The Payrix-generated ID assigned to the user account that is tracked to trigger the web alert.


If a Payrix Team receives the alert, the team name will be displayed in this column.


The name of the web alert.


A description of the web alert.

Saved Web Alerts Table Actions

The Saved Web Alerts table supports the following actions: delete an alert, access more information about a saved alert.

To delete an alert:

  1. Click the X icon in the far right column of the table.
    The Delete Alert lightbox will open in the page.

  2. Click CONFIRM in the lightbox to delete the alert.

To access more information about a specific saved alert, click any information in the row to open the Alert Details.

Related pages

Click the links or items on the page to access any of the following pages:

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