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White Label and Customized Branding

Using white-label setups, Referrers can customize the Payrix Portal and various platform features to reflect their company name, branding, and URL. This approach ensures that your merchants benefit from a completely branded user experience, removing any perception that they are accessing a third-party platform when using Payrix.

White Label Setup

To make the most of our white-label solution, you’ll need to set up single-host certificates for both the portal and API. We strongly suggest setting these certificates up in your Production environment. Once you have received and completed a white label intake request from Implementations, we will provide a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), unless you prefer to generate one on your own.

After submitting the CSR, you’ll work with your domain provider to get the signed certificates. After, Payrix will set up DNS records to enable email communications for notifications and alerts generated from our platform. These DNS records need to be applied to your business domain. Once we have installed the signed certificates and wrapped up the white label setup, we’ll be able to add your logos to the Portal.

White Label Intake Form Requirements

The White Label Intake form requires some basic information about the company, owner, and business entity, along with the following:

  • White Label Name: The name that appears in the header and footer of your portal.

  • API Subdomain: A domain that your company owns, used to redirect to the Payrix API. For example: “”.

  • Portal Subdomain: A domain that your company owns, used to redirect to your white-labeled Payrix production environment portal. For example: “”.

Sandbox Portal Subdomain

The sandbox environment portal will utilize a subdomain derived from your provided production subdomains for the portal and API. To clearly distinguish this environment, a test- prefix will be automatically added to the beginning of each subdomain. For example:

  • “” in sandbox becomes “”

  • “” in sandbox becomes “”

  • Outgoing Email: The email address used as the “From” address shown on emails from your platform to your Merchants such as boarding notifications or requests. For example: “”.

  • Invoicing Email: The email address used as the “From” address shown on invoices sent from your platform to Merchants. For example: “”.

  • Attachment: A file upload prompt to provide your various logos in PNG or JPEG formats:

Logo Type


Minimum Size Requirement


The logo that displays in the header of your portal.

275 x 80 px


The logo displayed on hosted payment page headers when sent to customers.

60 x 60 px


The logo displayed on your outgoing platform communication emails.

Maximum height of 140 px


The favicon icon displayed in your users' browser tabs, browser history, toolbar apps, and bookmarks dropdowns.

32 x 32 px

Once you submit this information, an implementation specialist will apply your requested branding or contact you if more information is needed.

White Label Setup FAQs

Here is a list of frequently asked questions regarding white-label setups:

Why do I need to submit the business and owner information for this setup?

A: The company's legal name and email address are risk requirements of the Payrix platform.

Can multi-level subdomains be used?

A: Yes, multi-level subdomains are permitted. For example:

How should logo attachments be uploaded?

A: Please upload your logo attachments in a White Label Intake Request to Support using the Attachments field.

For the best experience, use logos with a transparent background (preferably a PNG), as the white-label setup features a grey background. Non-transparent logos may not look good on the Merchant-facing portal.

What are the graphic size requirements for logos?

A: The four graphic size requirements are listed below:

  • Main: 275 x 80 px

  • PayFrame: 60 x 60 px

  • Email: Maximum height of 140 px

  • Favicon: 32 x 32 px

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