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Payout Details (M)

The Payout Details page contains information about a specific payout associated with your account and includes details about the payout, alerts, and disbursement information.

To access the Payout Details page:

  1. Click on Payouts under Admin in the left navigation panel.

  2. Find the specific Payout in the Payout History table and click the Payout Details button to open the Payout Details page.


Payout Details page, including the Payout Details Information Banner and Reconciliation Table

Payout Details Features

Click here to view the features of the Withdrawal Details page.

Payout Details Information Banner

The Payout Details information banner, located at the top of the page, contains an overview of the specific payout. The following information is included in the information banner:

Information Banner Field Name


Trace Number

Sales, Refunds, Debits, Miscellaneous Fees, Chargebacks, Rollovers, Payout Failures


Number of Entries for the type.


The processor that processed the payout disbursement.

Payout Details Table

The Payout Details Table supports the following actions:

  • Viewing your total credits, debits and disbursed amounts making up the payout.
    To view the total credits, debits, and disbursed amounts in your payout, scroll to the bottom of the table and view the Total row.

  • Reconciling the payout with the reconciliation table.
    To compare your transactions against the payout and reconcile, click on a listed Type column, such as Sales, and review each listed transaction making up the total credit (gross sales), debits (fees), and disbursed (net sales) comparatively, checking off each transaction you match to your records.

  • Reviewing each type of transaction, charge, or fee making up the amount you received in your payout.
    To review each positive or negative transaction type making up the payout, hover over the ? icon next to the Type column Title and a description of what the type is will be displayed.

Download the Payout Details report from the Payout Details page by clicking the Download button in the upper right corner of the section.

Payout Details Table Column Name



Sales, Refunds, Debits, Miscellaneous Fees, Chargebacks, Rollovers, Payout Failures


Number of Entries for the type.


The total number of credits in the disbursement (deposited fund)


The total number of debits (charges)

Reconciliation Table

Each row reflects the total dollar amount received or charged to your business during transaction processing to outline each component making up the amount you received in your payout.

When clicking the dropdown menu next to a listed column title, a table that lists the specific sale transactions, their fees, and your overall Net Sales for each transaction. Each Payout Details table row will display the following columns:

Sales Row Table Columns



A display-only check confirmation used for reconciliation to confirm you’ve already reviewed/reconciled a listed transaction.


The date the listed transaction was first captured/processed.

Gross Sales

Displays the total amount of the listed transaction’s revenue before fees.


Any transaction processing-related fees assessed by your Referrer.

Net Sales

The actual amount received from transaction revenue after fee deductions.

Transaction ID

The transaction ID identifying the transaction listed.

Order Number

The order number associated with the transaction, if applicable.

Card Number

The credit card number used by the customer in the listed transaction.


The custom transaction description, if available.


The email address for the transaction customer.


Will be listed as Sale


The zip code for the transaction customer address.

Custom Discretionary Field 1

An optional field to associate with your transactions such as a customer CRM ID, or another form of identifier used on your platform to help organize, track, and report on transactions.

Custom Discretionary Field 2

An optional field to associate with your transactions such as a customer CRM ID, or another form of identifier used on your platform to help organize, track, and report on transactions.

Custom Discretionary Field 3

An optional field to associate with your transactions such as a customer CRM ID, or another form of identifier used on your platform to help organize, track, and report on transactions.

Reconciliation Table Actions

The reconciliation table displayed for each transaction type in the payout can be utilized to reconcile each transaction in your payout by manually checking the box next to each transaction after matching it with your accounting records.

You can also add additional info columns to help you reference each transaction, as shown above.

Related Pages

Click the links or items on the Payout Details page to access any of the following pages:

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