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Payouts (M)

The Payouts page contains information about payouts (withdrawal disbursements of your account balance) for your account. On this page, you can schedule a new payout or access more information about current payout schedules or payout history.

Navigate to the Payouts page by clicking Payouts in the Admin category of the left-hand navigation panel.


The Payouts page, including the Payouts Overview section.

Payouts Page Features

Click here to view the features of the Payouts page.

Payouts Overview Section

The Payouts Overview section provides a snapshot of balance and payout details in three convenient panels: Account Balance, Payout Schedule, and Next Payout Details.

Details about your past scheduled payouts are located directly below the Payouts Overview section. All payouts will be displayed in the Payouts History table, any returned payouts that were attempted will be displayed within the Payout Returns table. Each listed payout in either table will provide more details using the Payout Details button.

Account Balance Panel

The Account Balance Panel displays your current account balance.

Payout Schedule Panel



Your total account balance of all settled transaction revenue.

Account Balance Button

Redirects to the Balance Details page table displaying all details about your current FBO account (platform account) balance.

Account Balance Panel Actions

To access the Balance Details page for more information about your current balance, click the Account Balance button in the Account Balance panel to access the Balance Details page.

Payout Schedule Panel

The Payout Schedule panel displays the percentage or actual amount of the upcoming payout, as well as the frequency displayed as a badge.

Payout Schedule Panel



The actual dollar amount or percentage of the account balance scheduled for the payout.

Frequency Badge

A color-coded badge that displays the frequency of the current active payout schedule. Can be: One Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.

View Schedules Button

Redirects to the Payout Schedules page table displaying all payout schedules, including inactive listings.

Edit Schedule Button

Redirects directly to the Edit Schedule lightbox on the Payout Schedules page for the displayed active payout schedule, allowing you to update details about the schedule in seconds.

Payout Schedule Panel Actions

The Payout Schedule section supports the following actions: Access more information and modify the current active payout schedule.

  • To access more information about all payout schedules, click the View Schedules button.

  • To edit the details of the active payout schedule, click the Edit Schedule button.

Next Payout Details Panel

The Next Payout Details Panel displays information about your upcoming payout:

Next Payout Details Panel



The amount of the payout.


The date of the upcoming scheduled payout.


The linked bank account that will receive the payout deposit.


The frequency of the scheduled payout. You can modify your payout schedule frequency as one-time, daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly disbursement from the Payout Schedules page.

Payout History Table

The Payout History section displays a table of past payouts associated with your account and includes the following information in the default view:

Payout History Table Column Name


Date Created

The date the scheduled payout occurred.


The bank account that receives the payout deposit.


The status of the payout: Processing, Denied, Return, Failed, or Processed.


The dollar amount of the payout transaction.

Payout Details Button

Redirects to the Payout Details page to display more detailed information about the selected payout disbursement.

Payout History Table Actions

View details about each completed or attempted payout by clicking the Payout Details button to be redirected to the Payout Details page.

Payout Returns Table

The Payout Returns table displays a table of past payouts associated with your account.

Navigate to the Payout Returns table by clicking the Payout Returns tab on the left-hand menu. The Payout History table will display by default.

The Payout Returns table includes the following information in the default view:

Payout Returns Table Column Name



The custom name given when setting up the payout schedule.

Disbursement ID

The disbursement ID number associated with the scheduled payout.


The bank account that receives the payout deposit.


The status of the payout: Processing, Failed or Processed.


The dollar amount returned.

Date Created

The date the scheduled payout was attempted.

Return Code

The payout disbursment return code provided by the processor.

Customize Your Payout History Table

You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.

Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Payout History and Payout Returns tables:

Click here to view table customizations for Payout History and Payout Returns.

Payout Withdrawal Data

  • Date Created

  • Status

  • Amount

  • Date Modified

  • Created by

  • Modified By

  • Entity ID

Payout Account Data

  • Account

  • Account Routing

Payout Data

  • Name

  • Frequency

  • Amount Type

  • Amount

  • Float

  • Payout ID

  • Date Created

  • Date Modified

  • Created by

  • Modified By

  • Login

  • Description

  • Schedule Factor

  • Start

  • Minimum

  • Status

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