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Payrix Resource Center

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Knowledge Base

Get Started with Payrix

This topic provides a high-level overview of getting started with the Payrix platform. It describes the three entity types and the major phases of the implem...

Implementation Guide

Information for partners who will integrate Payrix’s features into their apps.

Release Notes

Release notes and updates about new features and products.

Payrix Support

Need help? Open a ticket based on your needs

Risk & Compliance Guide

This guide will provide all information to meet Risk Mitigation, OFAC, and PCI Compliance requirements amongst other best practices included.

Portal Guides

Portal Guide - Facilitator Portal Guide - Referrer Portal Guide - Merchant The Payrix Portal is an all-in-one tool that allows users of all levels in payment...

Use Case Tutorials

Welcome to the Payrix Use Case Tutorials! Explore step-by-step guides designed to help you master practical applications of the Payrix platform.

Global Resource Center

The Global Resource Center contains country and region specific implementation, portal, merchant boarding, and risk/compliance guidelines. Click on any country below to view its Resource Center.


A glossary of common terms used throughout the Payrix platform and documentation.

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