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Understanding Groups

What is a Group?

A Group, sometimes called an “Org,” is a collection of entities set up by a parent entity, and is configured with fee settings, risk decisions, and other parameters that apply to all Group member entities.

Groups can be configured from Facilitators for Referrers, from Referrers for Merchants, or from Merchants for their Sub-Merchants.

To learn how to set a Group up, jump to How to Setup a Group.

How does a Group work?

A Group is configured in the Groups page of the Portal. A Referrer will create the group or select their desired existing group and add its new Merchants to it. After setting up the Group, the Referrer can apply their desired fees and parameters.

Visit Groups to learn more about the Groups page features and layout.

Why is a Group useful?

Groups are useful because a parent entity can apply the same logic for various parameters and settings and apply them to multiple Group members at once. This saves a great deal of time and effort versus manually configuring each entity individually.

Group vs. Division vs. Team

  • Group: A collection of entities where you can configure fees, decisions, and parameters that apply to all entities in the group. Remember this is sometimes called an “Org.”

  • Division: This is where workflows are set up to automatically add merchants to groups when created, and also where the white-label is configured. 

  • Team: A collection of Logins/Users that share roles and similar user properties to access the Portal or API.

How to Setup a Group

Expand the content below for Group setup steps:

Setting Up a Group
  1. From the Dashboard, access Groups (under Management).

  2. Click ADD GROUP in the upper right of the page.

  3. Enter a name for the new Group and click CREATE GROUP.

  4. From the Groups page list, select the name of your new Group to open its Group Profile page.

  5. In the Group Profile, set up your desired parameters.

Visit Group Profile for full descriptions for Group setup parameter options.

  1. Click ADD MEMBERS in the lower left of the Group Profile.

  2. Search for the entity or entities you’d like to add to the new Group.

  3. Select each listing of an entity you want to add, and then click SAVE.

Your Group setup is complete.

Remove a Group Member

To remove an entity member from your Group, simply click X next to their listing in the Group Profile:

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