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ACH Authorization Requirements (NACHA)

This article provides summary information of NACHA requirements and regulations for your review as part of your risk and compliance activities. You can find resource links to purchase the full list of NACHA requirements and regulations at

The information in this article doesn’t include a comprehensive list of all NACHA requirements and regulations. Ensure that you research and determine all requirements and regulations applicable to your use case using the information available at

Review the following information:

  • Rights and Responsibilities of Originating Depository Financial Institutions (ODFIs), Their Originators, and Third-Party Senders, which includes the following sections:

    • Originator Must Obtain Authorization from Receiver

    • Debit Entries to Consumer Accounts

    • Originating Pre-arranged Payment or Deposit (PPD) Entries

    • Originating Corporate Credit or Debit (CCD) Entries

    • Originating Telephone Initiated Entries (TEL) Entries

    • Originating WEB Entries

  • ACH WEB (eCheck) Fact Sheet

  • ACH PPD and TEL Fact Sheets and Authorization Scripts

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