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Create Invoice (M)

Use the Create Invoice page to create and send an invoice to your customer. The Create Invoice page includes customizable fields for entering invoice details and specifying accepted payment methods.

To access the Create Invoice page:

  1. Click Invoices in the Forms category in the left navigation panel.

  2. Click the ADD INVOICE button in the upper right corner of the Invoices page to open the Create Invoice page.

Partial view of the Create Invoice page, including the Invoice Details section.

Create Invoice Features

Click here to view the features of the Create Invoice page.

Invoice Details

Enter the following information in the Invoice Details fields to begin creating your invoice:

Invoice Details Field Name



The invoice number.


The title of the invoice.


A message in the invoice.

Due Date Drop Down

The Due Date dropdown list displays options for the invoice’s due date. Choose from:

  • Due Today

  • In a Week

  • In a Month

  • End of Month

  • Choose Date

Send On Drop Down

The Send On dropdown list displays options for the date that the invoice will be emailed to the customer. Choose from:

  • Manual Share (No Email)

  • Send Now

  • In a Week

  • In a Month

  • End of Month

  • Choose Date

Payment Methods

The payment method(s) you will accept as payment for the invoice. You can select multiple payment methods. Choose from the following payment method types:

  • All

  • Amex

  • Visa

  • Master Card

  • Diners

  • Discover

  • Debit

  • Personal Checking

  • Personal Savings

  • Business Checking

  • Business Savings

Customer Details

Enter information about the customer who will receive the invoice in the Customer Details section. If the invoice goes to a customer that you have invoiced previously, click SAVED at the top of the section and select the customer name from the drop-down list.

Note: You can save customer information to add it to the Customer Details dropdown menu using any of the following methods:

  • Use the Customers page to save information for a new customer.

  • Create a customer token from a previous Invoice.

  • Save customer information from a PayField/PayFrame Configuration.

To enter a new customer, click NEW at the top of the section and enter the following information:

Customer Details Field Name



The customer’s first name.


The customer’s last name.


The customer’s email address.

Customer Details Action

To add an additional email to the invoice:

  1. Click ADD ADDITIONAL EMAIL at the bottom of the section.

  2. Enter the customer’s email address in the field that appears.

  3. Add additional emails by clicking ADD ADDITIONAL EMAIL again.

Item Details

Add details about products or other items sold using the Item Details section, including the following information:

Item Details Field Name



The product name. Click in this field to open a dropdown menu that displays all the products previously saved in your Products page table.


The number of units of the item to add to the invoice.


The price per product.


Any discount on an individual product line in the invoice.


Any tax charged during the purchase.

Total Discount

Any discounts on the entire invoice price.

Total Amount

The total amount including any tax and discounts.

Item Details Action

To add products to the form:

  1. Click ADD PRODUCT.

  2. Enter the product information on the line that appears.

  3. Add additional products by clicking ADD ADDITIONAL PRODUCT again.

Billing Address

To add an optional billing address to the invoice, click the BLACK ARROW icon next to the Billing Address, below the Item Details section. Enter the following information into the section form:

Billing Address Field Name



The street portion of the customer’s billing address.

Address 2

The suite number or other information included in the street portion of the customer’s mailing address.


The city portion of the customer’s mailing address.


The state portion of the customer’s mailing address.


The zip code portion of the customer’s mailing address.


The country portion of the customer’s mailing address.

Create a New Invoice

When you have completed adding the information to the invoice, click the SAVE AND SEND button to save the invoice and send it to your customer based on the rules you specified. You can find a copy of the invoice on the Invoices page.

Related pages

Click the links or items on the page to access any of the following pages:

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