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The Customers page in the Payments category allows you to view, add, and edit details about your customers and their payment information.

To access the Customers page, click CUSTOMERS under Payments in the left navigation bar.

Partial view of the Customers page showing the Customers Information Banner, Add Customers button, and Customers Table.

Customers Features

Click here to view the features of the Customers page.

Customers Information Banner

The Customers Information Banner contains a summary of your merchants' customers, including the total number of customers, and the number of active and inactive customers.

Add New Customers

To add a new customer directly to the portal:

  1. Click ADD CUSTOMER to open a lightbox and add information on a new customer.

  2. Click ADD to create a new customer record.

Customers Table

Locate information about individual customers in the main table on the Customers page. Individual customers are listed by row. The default view includes the following columns:

Customers Table Column Name



The name associated with the customer profile.


The email address associated with the customer profile.


The phone number associated with the customer profile.


Indicates whether the customer is active or inactive.

Date Created

The date that the customer was added.

Last TXN

The date of the last transaction accepted by the merchant.

Arrow Icon

Click the grey triangle in any row to view additional details for a specific customer, or click the grey triangle in the table header to view additional details for all entries.

Customers Table Actions

The Customers table supports the following actions:

  • View any additional customers by clicking SHOW MORE RESULTS to load additional rows in the table.

  • Expand a row to view more details about a specific customer by clicking any line in the table.

  • Access additional information for a specific customer by clicking any information in the table to view the Customer Profile page, where you can view and edit customer information.

Customize the Customers Table

You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.

Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Customers table:

Click here to view Customer Table column customization options.





Date Created






Created by

Last Name

Date Modified

Modified By

Login ID

Merchant ID




Custom Description

Related Pages

Click the links or items in the Customers page to access any of the following pages:

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