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Emailed Receipts

Emailed Receipts allow Referrers (and Merchants) to send electronic receipts to customers' inboxes after transactions. Customers benefit from organized, searchable receipts for returns, expense tracking, or tax preparation. This solution is secure, eco-friendly, and accessible, offering convenience and efficiency.

This functionality supports several use cases, including:

  • Sending an extra receipt copy from the Merchant to any specified address.

  • Providing a receipt to both the customer and Merchant helps mitigate chargebacks during representation.

  • Allowing a customer to quickly forward their transaction receipt for expense reporting.

  • Offering a digital copy of the receipt for the customer's future use regarding the Merchant's warranty.

Note: Currently, the Emailed Receipts feature does not provide automated options. Each receipt needs to be found and sent manually.

Please see Sending an Emailed Receipt below for instructions.

Enable Emailed Receipts

To enable Emailed Receipts, contact your Partner Success Manager.

Your emailed receipts will be sent from the email address you provide to Payrix. You can update this email address to something specifically for receipts, such as “” or something similar to indicate a receipt-only email address.

Warning: When configuring and providing your initial “from” email address, it must use the same domain used for your Portal.

Example: If your Portal URL is, your emailed receipts address must end in

Sending an Emailed Receipt

To send an Emailed Receipt to the recipient in question, follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the transaction via the Payment History page. (Also available from the Customer Profile page under the Transactions tab).


Payments section

  1. Click on any line item to access the Transaction Details page for that transaction.


Transaction Details page

  1. From the Transaction Details page, click the Receipt Button in the transaction details info header.


Receipt Button

  1. On the Transaction Receipt page, you can verify the transaction information again,

    then click the Send button to open the Send To lightbox.


    Transaction Receipt page

  2. In the Send To lightbox, enter the email address of the intended receipt recipient, then click Send.


Send To lightbox

  1. The lightbox will display a success message indicating the receipt was successfully sent.


Success Message Prompt

Result: You’ve successfully sent an Emailed Receipt copy to your intended recipient. This will help to avoid chargebacks and boost customer confidence.

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