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Implementation FAQ

Overview: This resource answers the most commonly asked questions during Implementations.

How do I set up merchant fees?

The Resource Center for fees can be found here.

A video on fees can be found here.

How do I submit my White Label request?

After a Pro Client has signed up for the sandbox environment, the Implementation team will contact them for white-labeling or customized branding parameters and retrieve their colors and logos.

For more information on white label requests and logos, review the White Label and Customized Branding resource.

What is Sandbox testing?

Sandbox testing is when the implementation group will review your process of boarding a merchant and submitting a transaction. Sandbox is the best place to “play” and learn our system.

What is Production testing?

Production end-to-end testing is done to see your entire process from start (onboarding a merchant) to finish (running a transaction). This allows our team to verify all system settings are working as expected and we successfully see your API calls (if applicable).

How can I determine the card type after I tokenize a payment method?

This can be accomplished by creating a token, and in the response receiving the method type. Example below:

The method used to make this payment. See VALID VALUES:


Card Type


American Express






Diners Club




Checking Account


Savings Account


Corporate Checking Account


Corporate Savings Account

Code Snippet:

    "customer": {
        "First": "Rachel",
        "Last": "Token",
            "number": "4242424242424242",
            "cvv": "123"
        "expiration": "1025"

                "payment": {
                    "id": "g157968b6df1534",
                    "method": 2,
                    "number": "4242",
                    "routing": "0",
                    "bin": "424242",
                    "payment": null,
                    "lastChecked": null
How do you run reports in the portal?

After you log in, navigate to the ribbon on the left under Admin → Reports. Once selected, a number of different reports will appear on the screen. Select More Options to dive down to a specific merchant/date range.

What is Payrix PayFields?

The Resource center for PayFields/PayFrames can be found here.

What is the difference between PayFields/PayFrames?

PayFrame has limited customization and PayFields is designed to let the customer apply their own look and feel. 

Can I add a description to PayFields?

This can be accomplished by using the config field. When sending a transaction via PayFields, there are a few config fields that can be pre-set prior to the submission of the form. An example of a field wanting to be used when sending a payment is the txns.description field. This field can be preset by sending the description data to PayFields.config.additionalData.description. Documentation for PayFields can be found here.

In the field configuration section, you will see a list of other fields that can be sent via PayFields.Config.

One of the fields is additionalData, and this field, actually has subfields, here is the list of subfields that can be included with additionalData:

  • discount

  • shipping

  • duty

  • description

  • tokenDescription

  • txnDescription

  • tax

Example of a PayFrame window.

Can Payrix tokenize a terminal transaction?

Not at this time.

Where can I find terminal transactions?

Terminal transactions (terminalTxn) will only show up under the associated terminal (Merchants > Terminals > Terminal Name > Transactions). The next day when the transaction is imported into Payrix, the txn record will be created and linked to the terminalTxn. The transaction record will then be included in the payment history tab.

Why would a Merchant Account be denied?

The only time you would see a merchant account denied is if the business owner was on MATCH or the information provided did not verify (Owner / DOB / SSN etc). 

What is MATCH? It is a database that houses information about businesses (and their owners) whose credit card processing privileges have been terminated for a set of very specific reasons.

How can I update merchant account information?

This can be done through our Payrix Portal or via API integration. If a merchant account owner changes, the original account should be inactivated and a new one submitted for approval.

How can I automate merchant onboarding statuses?

This can be done either through the API or a webhook. There is a great article in our resource center here regarding webhooks. Essentially you would set up an alert anytime a merchant account status changed.

Sample alert trigger

alertTriggers: This determines which resource and event will trigger a webhook. In the case of a webhook that notifies your server when a new Merchant's boarding status updates to (Successfully) Boarded the API resource is merchant (resource 9) and the event is merchant.boarded.

What reason should I give clients who's transaction is declined?

Decline reasons should be dwindled down that are applicable to your clients (i.e. card present declines are different than card not present declines). A few samples would be AVS miss-match (update address) insufficient funds, do not honor (FSA + HSA cards would have this) pick up card (card marked as fraudulent), invalid card number.

How do we avoid duplicate charge attempts?

Request Idempotency

With this, you can submit a REQUEST-TOKEN within an API request to uniquely identify the request. If the same REQUEST-TOKEN is submitted, your original transaction results will be returned with an additional flag ‘duplicateRequest’ set to true. This prevents duplicate charges and allows you to resubmit requests in the event of a system timeout.

What are Disbursement Entries?

The items factoring into the total amount disbursed from the Payrix portal. These entries form the Disbursement Statement which outlines all associated debits and credits of your account. Such examples of entries include revenue from Captures and eCheck Sales, as well fees incurred such as Interchange.

What are Statement Entries?

These are items on the transactional level that outline the activity on the Payrix Portal. Where Disbursement Entries will show overall disbursement details, Statement Entries are more granule and will show per transaction data. More resources on Statement Billing can be found here.

How can I set up Convenience Fees?

We currently do not have a setup where our system will automatically calculate the convenience fee, and add it to the total transaction amount. However, a workaround to this is to create the fee in Payrix and set it as a surcharge. What this will do is reverse calculate the fee based on the percentage provided, and only charge the fee on the calculated amount.


A transaction for $100, with a 3% convenience fee added would bring the total to $103.00. In Payrix you would set up a surcharge fee at 3%. We will use this fee to calculate that the original transaction was $100, the 3% will only be charged on the $100, and the end result is that the merchant will receive the $100.

More resources on Fees can be found here. For further inquiries, your Project Manager can schedule Fee setup demonstrations with an Implementation Engineer to walk you through it.

I’m not seeing the answer I’m looking for in this FAQ. Where can ask a more specific inquiry?

You can always contact Payrix Support for more specific queries that can be answered by our support specialists.

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