Invoice (R)
The Invoice page includes information for a specific invoice that has been sent to your customer, including customer information and payment options.
Note: You can edit information in the invoice by changing your Invoice Settings.
To access any Invoice page:
Click Invoices under Forms in the left navigation panel to open the Invoices page.
Locate a specific invoice in the Invoices table and lick any information in the row to open the Invoice Details page.
Scroll down to the Invoice Details Activity Panel and click GO TO INVOICES to open the Invoice page.
To access a specific invoice via the Payment Pages:
Click Payment Pages under Forms in the left navigation panel to open Payment Pages.
Click the item from the Payment Pages table to open Payment Pages Details.
Click GO TO PAY PAGE to open the invoice.

Partial view of the Invoice page, including the Invoice Heading, Payment Button, Customer Information, and Invoice Information.
Invoice Features
Related Pages
Click the links or items in the page to access any of the following pages: