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Policy Decisions (R)

The Policy Decisions page displays detailed information about existing automated risk decisions set within a specific policy. You can also add, edit, or delete decisions from a policy to adjust your automated risk review and response process as needed.

Navigate to Policy Decisions by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click Policies under Risk in the Admin category in the left-hand navigation panel.

  • Step 2: Click on the policy’s name in the table located on the Policies page to open the Policy Decisions page.

Tip: To learn more about the Policies tool and view a full list of available policy decision types, visit the Understanding Policies - Risk page.

Tip: To learn more about Group Decisions, which are the equivalent of applying a policy to a Group, visit the Understanding Decisions - Risk page.


View of the Policy Decisions page.

Policy Decisions Features

Click here to view the features of the {Portal Page} page. (Example: Payment History (R))

Policy Decisions Table

Locate individual merchant transactions in the main table on the Payments History page. Individual transactions are listed by row. The default view includes the following columns:

Enlarges the table by opening it in a full-screen dialog open

Policy Decisions Table Column Names



The unique ID for each decision added to the policy.


Also known as “Subtypes”, the specific risk service or check corresponding to a distinct Decision type.


Specific Decision criteria used to initiate the Decision Action.


The result of another Decision acts as a prerequisite to trigger the current policy.

Failover Dependencies

The action that should be taken if a Decision dependency fails or an error occurs to avoid the Decision action.

Add Policy Decisions

You can add policy decisions to an existing policy by clicking the Add Decisions button in the upper right corner of the page to open the Decision Creation lightbox.

To add a new Decision to your policy, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click the Add Decision button to open the Decision Creation lightbox.

  • Step 2: Select a Decision from the listed Payrix or third-party risk services. Then, click Next.

  • Step 3: Select a Subtype (Decision Type) from the drop-down. Then, apply an applicable Operator, Value, and Action (Decision action) from the risk service results. Click Add to add additional Subtypes, or Next to add Rules.

  • Step 4: (Optional) Select an Attribute (Subtype), Operator, and Value to add more decision rule criteria. Use “and” to make a combined rule with different parameters, or use “or” to create a range of careful responses based on individual risk service results.

  • Step 5: (Optional) Select an existing Decision as a Dependency if you’ve already added a Decision to this policy to act as a requirement before this new Decision can be executed in the Policy.

  • Step 6: (Optional) Select an existing Decision as a Failover Dependency, so if the set Decision Dependency should fail or time out, to prevent executing this Decision.

Policy Decisions Actions

The Policy Decisions table supports the following options:

  • Edit an existing policy risk decision by clicking the ⋮ icon, then Edit next to any decision listed to open the Edit Decision lightbox.

  • Delete an existing policy risk decision by clicking the ⋮ icon, then Delete next to any decision listed to remove that decision.

Customize Your Policy Decisions Table

Sorting is not available on the Policy Decisions page. However, you can utilize the Search function to locate your specific policy based on the available table data.

Related Pages

Click the links or items on the Policy Decisions page to access any of the following pages:

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