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Release Notes - January 19, 2024

Portal (Version 24.35.0)


  • The Monthly Statements page has been updated to display a message along the header notifying the Merchant that the Monthly Statement for a previous month will be available after the 6th of each following month, to allow time for any remaining processing and settlement to be calculated and reported.

  • The Monthly Statement Report has been updated to display the Effective Rate for Canadian Merchants with a hover feature that explains the “Total Effective Rate” and the “Effective Rate by Card Brand” as well as explaining the calculation of the rate by individual card brands.

    • Note: Effective Rate has been hidden for all US Merchants to avoid confusion.

  • The Monthly Statement Report has been updated to now include a Deposit Summary section to help US Merchants balance daily disbursements.

  • The Dispute Tracker on the Dispute Details page now links Referrers directly to the Merchant associated with the chargeback dispute for further investigation and correction.

Resolved Issues

  • Issue resolved where Month and Year filters for the Monthly Statement report would not display all months for a given previous year as expected.

  • Issue resolved where the “Flat Fee” line of the Merchant Monthly Statement report would display as a normal whole number (e.g. “20) instead of standard currency format (e.g. $0.20).


Payrix App for PAX A-Series Mobile Platform

Version 2.1.12

  • App crashing fix when transaction history page is opened Version 2.1.11

  • Increased the socket and the read timeout and also parsed a human-readable message to explain what's going on.

  • Memory optimization.

  • Bulletproofing code from crashing, slowness, and memory waste

  • Added a service to check if the device is offline and notify the user.

  • Increased network connection timeout to 60 seconds and also generated an error message to the client if an error occurred.

  • Moved BPCommunicator object for CardManager Activity to a ViewModel called CardManagerViewModel for parsing BroadPOS txn and data management to the calling Activity

  • Created a foreground service to handle Doze mode for Android 6 and above.

  • Added retry in Payment Success Page for transactions that were successful, but couldn't update the Payrix server due to network issues. If the transaction is successful but can't update Payrix, a reload button will be displayed with an error message below it. The user can retry by clicking on the reload button, if it's successful, the button will change back to the default button (i.e button to close the page).

⁠Version 2.1.11

  • Increased the socket and the read timeout and also parsed a human-readable message to explain what’s going on.

    • Memory optimization.

Version 2.1.10

  • Previously, when a transaction was still processing and a new one dropped via notification, we discarded the latest (newly dropped notification) incoming txn without updating the core API. This fix updates the core API with the status failed and a descriptive message, which reads "Terminal is busy."


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