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Release Notes - May 19, 2023

Portal (Version 24.8.0)

New Features

  • Request More Info page now contains Approve and Cancel/Close buttons available for Facilitator-level Risk users that allow them to remove requests that are stale or “pushed back” from applicants.

  • Fees page now contains a ‘Delete Fee’ button to allow unused and inactive fees to be deleted and removed from view by a Facilitator or Referrer-level user.

  • Fees page now contains an “Inactive Fees” section that separates all unused and inactive fees into its own section to make active fees easier to find and navigate.


  • The Web Alert Setup Wizard now notifies users of errors in data submissions or missed steps while on each respective step to ensure all requirements are met for a successful user experience.

  • Transaction Risk page Balance Details card has been updated to include: Transaction Held amounts, Transaction Reserve amounts, First Transaction Date, and Last Disbursement Status to allow quicker and more simple visibility into basic merchant information.

  • Account Updater page now displays a hover-over description in the Portal (when Account Updater is enabled) to quickly explain its function to a user.

  • Request More Info page ‘Status’ field now contains a new value option called “Manually Updated” to allow a Referrer to change the status from “Pending” to “Manually Updated”, allowing their Facilitator to review and approve the account.

  • Request More Info page now contains a new column called 'Actioned By' to display the Facilitator-level Risk user that last updated the underwriting terms to approve/deny merchant boarding or transactions, and a new column called 'Last Updated' to display the date and time of the update.

  • Request More Info page now allows Facilitator-level Risk users to update email address contacts for applying Merchants and existing referrers to mitigate email address submission typos.

  • Customer Transaction page for Facilitator-level Risk users has been rearranged to more clearly display the information, as well as Division name, Merchant name, Disputes and Payment fields being added at first glance to more easily detect possibly fraud.

Resolved Issues

  • Issue resolved where ‘Map Status’, ‘Entry Mode’, and ‘Payment Type’ fields were displayed on the Terminal Transactions mapping to incorrect /terminalTxns API fields.

  • Issue resolved where error messages would be displayed when Merchants attempt to respond to chargebacks in the Portal (not allowing the actual response to be sent).

  • Issue resolved where Global Portal searches would include extra spaces within the search criteria, rather than trimming, returning some irrelevant results.

  • Issue resolved where Disputes page file uploads (in response to a chargeback) would exceed the maximum file size. Interrupting upload of the file in some cases.

  • Issue resolved where the checkbox option to “Request General Documents” from applying merchants or referrers would not update after being saved.


PAX - Version 2.1.7

  • Resolution of issue related to 1 cent math anomaly caused when converting between decimal and integer numbers.


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