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Release Notes - November 3, 2023

Portal (Version 24.29.0)

New Features

  • The ThreatMetrix Digital Identity Verification Smart Card on the Transaction Risk details page has been updated to now display a “Payment” tab with complete information about the transaction in question from the ThreatMetrix analysis.


  • The downloaded .csv file provided with the Merchant Statement has been updated to match the formatting of the downloadable PDF where “Processing Fees” are more clearly identified individually by being nested under their respective card brand network.

  • The Bridger Insight Smart Card on the Risk Management page for personal sanctions and OFAC checks has been updated to display the business managing member’s name next to the normally generated data.

  • All Merchant-level users can now enable MFA using SMS as the authentication method.

  • The Access Templates page has been updated to offer a new user interface when adding templates.

  • The “Policy UUID” and “Action” values now display on all Holds pages. The Holds page tables will also display the “Created” and “[Last] Modified” timestamps, the “[Last] Modifier’s” (user) ID, as well as Verification ID, Verification Reference ID, and the actual Reference Number returned from the platform’s risk integration for better visibility into each Hold and its current verification information.

  • Risk Analyst action buttons provided on the Risk Underwriting queue for Merchants have been updated for a more standardized UI with consistent icons, (i.e. flags, outbox, inbox, etc.).

Resolved Issues

  • Issue resolved where the “Not Ready” and “Reserved” filter buttons displayed on the Risk Underwriting queue for Merchants would not properly display the newly filtered results as expected.



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