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Release Notes - October 27, 2023

Portal (Version 24.28.0)

New Features

  • The Teams Profile page now contains an “Email Alerts” tab to configure Email Alerts on a team level to be sent to all users on the team instead of individual setups.

  • The “Login As” feature now also requires Multi-Factor Authentication to log into your child entities' Portal view as an enhanced security feature.

  • Merchant-level users can now authenticate with MFA using SMS text messaging to enroll and receive authentication codes.

  • The Disputes Details page tracker now displays the movement of funds as they correspond with the most recent chargeback cycle and/or dispute stage: Retrieval (Debit from Merchant), First Chargeback (Debit from Merchant), Arbitration (Debit from Merchant), Retrieval [Won/Reversal] (Credit to Merchant), First Chargeback [Won] (Credit to Merchant), Arbitration [Won] (Credit to Merchant).

  • The Transaction Risk Details page now displays GIACT and ThreatMetrix results from a transaction policy being run to allow risk analysts to know what needs to be reviewed & cleared before a held transaction is released.

  • The Transaction Details page now displays a “Tip” field value on the Payment Details tab to display any amounts left as tips by cardholders to help reconcile any unrecognized amounts.

  • The Risk Management page now offers the ThreatMetrix PhoneFinder Smart Card to help validate a user’s identity.

  • Multi-Factor Authentication Disable and Reset options have been added to the User Profile page and Multi-Factor Enablement page for Admin users with access to perform the action.

  • When disabling or resetting an MFA setup, a confirmation lightbox will appear to verify that the user wants to take the action, understanding the risk.

  • The Disputes page table now allows the following values to be used to search or filter the information: Created by, MID, Description, Platform, Case ID, Reason Code, Issued, Received, & Bank Reference.


  • The Risk Management page now allows the user to filter by Risk Level to sort risk from highest to lowest.

  • On the Disputes page tracker, the "Respond" button label has been updated to “Submit Evidence” to better describe the action when a response requires evidence to be provided.

  • The Merchant Profile page now displays all users created by that Merchant’s account owner for easier identification from platform support.

  • When using the SaferPamyments - PCI Non-Validation option as fee schedule/trigger, the fee name will now automatically display as “PCI SaferPayments Non-Validation Fees” for clarity of the fee’s purpose.

  • Access Template setups now offer Multi-Factor Authentication as an option to determine who should have access to view and manage user MFA information.

  • The Risk Alerts page now displays an “ID” field to allow risk alerts to be easily copied by risk analysts.

  • The Change Request Management page now displays an “ID” field to allow risk alerts to be easily copied by risk analysts.

  • The Parameters page has been updated to now include a “Security” section Log In As, Portal Access, and MFA Enablement user defaults available to Admin users with access and enabled for all new users by default.

  • The Signup Form for all levels of platform users has been updated to display a description field to help clarify Operating accounts vs Trust Accounts or Holding Accounts.

  • The Terminal Transactions page now displays the Gateway Transaction ID for payment gateway info associated with each transaction.

  • The Log in As feature now logs actions taken by users for quicker risk analysis in risk vulnerability events.

Resolved Issues

  • Issue resolved where the Disbursement Details page would not properly calculate and display the GIACT fee when applied.

  • Issue resolved where the search function on the Risk Management page would not load correctly after going past the first page.

  • Issue resolved where entering any amount in the “Tip” field of the Create Payments page would nullify and show $0.00 on the final transaction receipt.

  • Issue resolved where the Accept Arbitration button on the Disputes Details page tracker did not work or display as expected.

  • Issue resolved where attempting to send a password reset in the Sandbox environment would not properly send the reset email.

  • Issue resolved where merchants would receive duplicate disbursement emails following a disbursement completing processing.

  • Issue resolved where read-only access users would not be able to modify their own user profile information.

API (Version 23.22.1)

New Features

  • The verificationRef response body now contains the following Risk Policy fields: uuid, policyUuid, policyName, policyOwner, action, and riskLevel to better interpret ThreatMetrix and GIACT information.



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