Respond to a Chargeback Dispute using the Portal
Understanding how to respond to various Dispute stages of the Chargeback process is imperative to addressing Disputes in a timely fashion with the best available evidence to minimize the number of transaction reversals.
Getting Started
Before you respond to a Chargeback Dispute from a cardholder, it's important to understand details about Disputes, their various stages, and the overall chargeback process.
Respond to Disputes in the Portal
The steps below can be used to navigate through the Portal
Step 1: Disputes Page → Dispute Details
Step 2: Review the Dispute Tracker for a high-level overview of the next available response options. Then review the Dispute Summary section for current and note the card type for later.

Partial view of the Dispute Summary section of the Dispute Details page.
Step 3: Then, within the Dispute Detail menu, gather the following:

Partial view of the Dispute Details menu on the Dispute Details page.
Dispute Parameter | Description |
Case ID | This is the Chargeback Case ID used to reference this specific Chargeback and it’s current Dispute stage. |
Reason for Dispute | This is a sub-reason of one of the major categories for Card Brand dispute codes: Fraud, Authorization or Customer Dispute. |
Reason Code | The specific Major Card Brand Chargeback Codes to describe the Dispute from the card brand network system. |
Response Due Date | The date that the Merchant response is due by. |
Typically, most “responses” consist of providing supporting evidence in the form of documentation. In order to understand which supporting documents will be applicable as evidence, it’s important to get a better understanding of why the Chargeback Dispute is occurring.
Step 4: Gather your supporting documentation and return to the Dispute Tracker.

View of a Dispute Tracker with available action steps.
Accept Liability - If you have recognized that the transaction was not valid for one reason or another you can click accept liability to automatically decide the Chargeback Dispute in the cardholder’s favor.
Upload Evidence - If you choose to respond to the current Dispute Stage (if applicable) with supporting evidence of the transaction’s validity click Upload Evidence to open the upload lightbox.
Add the email for the contact representative at your Merchant business.
Add any contextual notes or background information about the documents being provided.
Drag and drop your documents into the lightbox and click Submit Response to send the evidence.
You can click Save for Later to keep the draft if you need to locate additional documentation.
Tip: The instructions in Step 4 will apply to Retrieval, First Chargeback, Representment, and Pre-Arbitration Dispute stages.
Step 5: Await a decision from the Issuer. There is no action required while awaiting a decision.
Step 6: Receiving a decision from the Issuer:
Won - The Issuer has reached a decision in favor of the Merchant. This decision can be challenged by the cardholder and escalated to the next Dispute stage.
Lost - The Issuer has reached a decision in favor of the Cardholder.This decision will be final and cannot be challenged by the Merchant.
Step 7: Repeat steps 4-6 as needed until a final decision is made by the Issuer or Arbitration results in a final decision from the card brand network.