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Table Search and Sort Instructions

The portal provides various pages with tables of information for partners and merchants. Its search, sorting, and customization features allow efficient access to specific data across extensive data tables.

Partial view of the Payment History page showing the table customization options including the Column Customization Button, the Sort By dropdown menu, and the search bar.

Table search

Narrow the entries in the table to only those that match a specific entry or group of entries using the search bar functions located at the top right-hand corner of the table.

View of the search bar.

Search all columns using the search bar

  1. Go to the search bar at the top right-hand corner of the table.

  2. Click in the search field, type your search term, and press enter on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass icon in the search field.

Search specific columns using Column Search

  1. Click the search bar dropdown triangle to open a lightbox with a search field and a list of table columns.

  2. Click Clear Column Search to deselect all highlighted columns.

  3. Select the column name(s) to search.

  4. Type your search term in the search field and press enter on your keyboard.

Result: The resulting table will show entries that match your search term.

Advanced table search

Perform an advanced search to view table results that match multiple search terms in specific fields by following the steps below:

View of the Advanced Search Lightbox and search bar.

Advanced Search: create rules to search for specific information.

  1. Click the search bar dropdown triangle to open a lightbox.

  2. Click the ADVANCED Search toggle at the top of the lightbox.

  3. Choose AND or OR rules group.

  4. Select the Search Field using the Search Field dropdown box.

  5. Select the Matches Type from the Matches dropdown box.

  6. Enter your search term in the Search Term box.

  7. Click Add Rule to add a search row.

  8. Click Remove to the right of the search row to remove it from the search.

  9. Click Add Rules Group to add a search with a second rule group.

  10. Click Search at the bottom of the lightbox to perform the search, or click Clear Column Search to start a new advanced search.

Result: The table will show entries that match your search term.

Table sorting

Sort your table entries by a single column to view specific information in ascending or descending order, using either the Sort By dropdown or the table headers.

View of the Sort By lightbox.

Sort columns using the Sort By dropdown

  1. Click the Sort By box at the top of the table to open a dropdown menu.

  2. Find and select a column title from the dropdown list, or type the column name into the search bar in the Sort By dropdown box. To reverse the column sorting direction, click the grey column header arrow again. The table will refresh, sorting the amount column from lowest to highest.

Result: The resulting table will be sorted by your selected column.

Sort using the table headers

  1. Go to the title of any column to reveal a grey arrow.

  2. Click the grey arrow to sort the table by the individual column. To change the sorting direction, click the grey arrow on the column header a second time.

Result: The resulting table will be sorted by your selected column.

Use cases: Payment History page

This example explains using table customization and search functions on the Payment History page. The page shows a table of transactions, defaulting from most recent to oldest.

To search for specific entries in the Payment History table, use the Search, Sort by, and Customize Columns functions presented on the page. See the examples below for detailed instructions:

Search for a Transaction by Card Number

Search for any transactions associated with a specific credit card number by following these steps:

  1. Click the Search dropdown next to the search bar in the upper right corner of the table and select Payment. Then, click outside the search dropdown to set the selection.

  2. In the search bar, enter the last 4 digits of the card number, and perform the search. To filter search results, select another parameter (like Customer) from the Search dropdown and specify the customer you want.

Result: The returned list will display payments in order of payment method type. This order can also be re-sorted inversely by clicking on the column header “Payments”.

Caution: Broad payment method search results

This search function will retrieve any payment methods that contain the specified search term within their entire number. For example, if you entered the last four card digits as 4242, and another card contained 4242 as the first four card digits, it would also return in the search.

Search for Transactions by processing status

Search for any transactions classified as a specific status by following these steps:

  1. Click the Search dropdown next to the search bar in the upper right corner of the table and select “Status”. After selecting “Status”, click outside the search dropdown to set the selection.

  2. Go to the search bar, which now displays a dropdown, and select the pre-defined Transaction Status.

  3. Click the magnifying glass to initiate your search. Making a selection and/or pressing Enter will not initiate the search alone.

Result: Your Transactions will be displayed within the table, filtered to only display the chosen “Status” type.

Search for Transactions within a Date Range

  1. Use the Advanced Search feature to search for any transactions that occurred during a specific date range by following these steps:

  2. Click the Search dropdown next to the search bar in the upper right corner of the table.

  3. Click the ADVANCED Search toggle switch in the drop-down menu, then select and next to the Rules group toggle.

  4. Choose Created from the Search Field options.

  5. Select Greater from the Matches dropdown options.

  6. Enter the start date of your date range in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  7. Click Add Rule, then use the same parameters from Step 4, then choose Less from the matches options.

  8. Enter the end date of your date range in YYYY-MM-DD format.  

  9. Click Search.

Result: The transactions in your desired date range will be listed on the Payments History page and can be sorted and filtered. Depending on the length of your date range, it may take a moment for the data to populate while you see a loading animation on-screen.

Sort Payment History by Payment Amount

Use the Sort dropdown menu or the table headers to sort your table by amount.

Sort Payment History by Payment Amount

Complete the steps below to sort using the dropdown list:

  1. Click the Sort By box at the top of the table to open a dropdown menu.

  2. Click Amount in the dropdown list.

Result: The table will refresh with the amount column sorted from highest to lowest payment amount. To reverse the column's sort direction, click the Sort By box at the table's top again, then click the black triangle next to the Amount selection. The table will refresh with the amount column sorted from lowest to highest.

Sort Payment History by Payment Amount

Complete the steps below to sort using the table headers:

  1. Go to the title of the Amount column to reveal a grey arrow.

  2. Click the grey arrow to sort the table from highest to lowest payment amount.

Result: The table will refresh with the amount column sorted from highest to lowest payment amount. To reverse the column sorting order, click the grey arrow in the header again. The table will refresh, showing the amount column sorted from lowest to highest.

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