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Use Case: Generate a Monthly Transactions Report

You can use specific settings to gather all transaction activity for the month and download it in a convenient Excel-compatible file format for recordkeeping, data visualizations, or general metrics tracking. This tutorial walks you through the steps to configure the Transactions report to retrieve all activity for the month in one report.


View of the Create Reports page set for generating the Transactions Report with the proper Report Date parameter set as This month.


Generate a Transactions report to see all transaction activity for the month within your portfolio.


  • Referrers


  • Portal (Production)



  • You must have a fully boarded Payrix account to perform any of the actions described in the use case guides.


Warning: Depending on the volume of transactions for active Merchants in your portfolio, the Transactions report can take several minutes to generate.


Tip: To gather as much up-to-date data as possible, run this Monthly Transactions report on the last day of each month, or use the Custom option in the date range to set your reporting to exactly 1 month before.

Additional Resources

See the tips below to help you get started.

  • See Reporting Values for a table with descriptions of data shown on various reports to help better interpret the report for reconciliation.

Generate a Monthly Transactions report

Ensure that you complete all steps in the following sections.

Access the Reports Page

  1. Click the PLUS icon next to Reports in the left navigation panel to open a dropdown menu.

  2. Click Create Reports in the Reports dropdown menu to open the Reports page.

Configure your Transactions Report

  1. From the Select Report dropdown, select Transactions.

  2. In the Report Date dropdown, select This month.

Note: If you're running this report any time other than the last day of each month, use the Custom option in the Report Date dropdown and select the start date as one month before your reporting date.

  1. (Optional) In the Templates dropdown, select a previously saved report template or create a new one from the parameters being set by clicking Add Template.

Note: To view all your Merchant balances in the same report, do not adjust any Filter By or Advanced Filter settings.

  1. Click Generate Report to begin generating your Transactions report.

  2. Click the CSV or XLS download icon in the upper-right corner of the page to download the report to an Excel-readable format. You can also view the data right in the portal.

Result: In your newly downloaded Transactions report with the date range for the month, you can see a consolidated view of your entire portfolio transaction activity at once.

Next Steps

When you’re done reviewing the monthly transaction information, review the following use case guides for additional information on related topics:


Generating a monthly transaction report can be beneficial for your business’s recordkeeping and accounting processes, Merchant tracking and support, and can help in the manual or automated reconciliation process.


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