Use Case: Set Up Transaction Fees
You can charge a fee on a per-transaction basis to generate revenue through your account for every transaction that is authorized or captured by a Merchant. You can apply a transaction fee to an individual Merchant account, or set up a fee that applies to a group of Merchants. This tutorial will walk you through the steps to create a new transaction fee for either a single Merchant or a group.

Partial view of the Fees tab.
Create a new fee that will trigger when one of your Merchants performs a transaction.
Portal (Sandbox)
Portal (Production)
You must have a fully boarded Payrix account to perform any of the actions described in the use case guides.
Make sure you’re familiar with the following terms and information:
Fee Types - The different categories of fees that can be created and charged.
Fee Structure - Overview of the basic layout for a Fee configuration.
Fee Schedules - Available time or event-based triggers used to initiate a Fee charge.
Fee Rules - Options to further refine the criteria of the Fee Schedule.
Fee Modifiers - Options to redirect the Fee collection flow and who will pay the Fee.
Fee Collection Process - Overview of how Fee payments are collected and where they can be found.
Warnings will provide insight or advice to avoid issues related to risk, visibility, and overall product performance during this use case.
Warning: Some transaction fee configurations can cause legal complications, so it is important to ensure that the fee is configured correctly. See the Fee Type Setup section on the Create and Apply a Fee page for more information.
Warning: Refer to each card brand and processor’s policies on Transaction fees to ensure compliance.
Tips will provide suggestions to streamline or better prepare you to apply this use case.
Tip: If you’re unsure of how much to charge for a specific fee type, refer to the Visa and MasterCard card brand network guidelines.
Tip: Setting as a Group fee is recommended. This way, any Merchants boarded to that Group in the future will automatically incur the same transaction fee as soon as they begin processing payments.
Tip: Select REFUND in Step 3 (below) to trigger a fee when a refund transaction is processed. You can set up a refund trigger in addition to the authorization trigger.
Additional Resources
For more information about fees and your account, see the Fee Management page.
Note: Creating a transaction fee uses a two-part fee setup that involves the creation of multiple fees:
Set up a flat rate fee for all credit card authorizations.
Set up a percentage fee for credit card captures.
This model most closely resembles industry-standard payment processing fees: Flat Fee + % of the transaction total.
Set Up Transaction Fees
Set Up a Transaction Fee for a Group of Merchants
Set Up a Transaction Fee for an Individual Merchant
Next Steps
Once the new fees are added, review the following use case guides for additional information on related topics:
Set Up A Convenience Fee: Set up a convenience fee for a Merchant account or group using the Set Up Convenience Fees use case.
Enable Transaction Event Alerts: Create an email alert that will trigger when a transaction is created or updated by you or one of your users using the Enable Transaction Event Alerts use case.
Once the fees are created, they will automatically trigger any time an associated Merchant performs a transaction authorization or capture.
Click the links or items below to access any of the following pages:
Groups page [Referrer][Facilitator]
Group Profile page [Referrer][Facilitator]
Fees menu [Referrer][Facilitator]
Merchants page [Referrer][Facilitator]
Merchant Profile page [Referrer][Facilitator]