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Use Case: Setup a Multi-Merchant Withdrawal Schedule

You can use groups to create a standard withdrawal schedule for multiple Merchants or your entire portfolio by creating a withdrawal flow. This tutorial walks you through the steps to configure a withdrawal flow for a group of Merchants.


View of the Withdrawal Flows tab on the Group Profile page.


Create a withdrawal flow for a group to automatically schedule daily withdrawals for multiple Merchants at once.


  • Referrers


  • Portal (Sandbox)

  • Portal (Production)



  • You must have a fully boarded Payrix account to perform any of the actions described in the use case guides.


Warning: New withdrawal flows configured in groups cannot be retroactively applied to existing Merchants. Set up your withdrawal flows as part of your initial Merchant group setup before you board Merchants.


Tip: You can use a work flow to automatically add newly boarded Merchants to the group with your withdrawal flow configurations as they’re first approved to process transactions. Work flows must be configured by Payrix or your Referrer.

Additional Resources

See the following references to help you get started:

Set Up the Multi-Merchant Withdrawal Flow

Ensure that you complete all steps in the following sections.

Access the Group Profile Page

  1. Click Groups under the Management category in the left navigation panel.

  2. Select the listed group that you want to apply the withdrawal flow to.

Add a Withdrawal Flow

  1. Click Withdrawal Flows from the left menu to open the Withdrawals tab.

  2. Click Add Withdrawal Flow to open the Add Withdrawal Flow lightbox.

  3. Configure the withdrawal flow with the following parameters:


Recommended Value

Repeat Every

1 and Days







  1. Click Add to finish creating the withdrawal flow for the group.

Result: Your withdrawal flow is now configured, and all Merchants who are members of the group will automatically receive 100% of their daily funds in the form of a withdrawal payout.

Next Steps

After setting up the withdrawal flow for your preferred Merchant-enrolled group, review the following guides for additional information on related topics:


Your withdrawal flow is configured, and your Merchants will receive 100% of their daily settled funds.


Click the links or items below to access any of the following pages:

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