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Credentials (F)

The Credentials page allows you to view and edit your integrated payment platform(s) login information associated with your account. You can change saved passwords on this page.

Navigate to the Credentials page by clicking Settings in the left hand navigation panel, and then clicking Credentials in the Payment Settings section.

Partial view of the Credentials page, including the Vantiv Credentials Section.

Credentials Features

Click here to view the features of the Credentials page.

Vantiv Credentials

The Vantiv Credentials section contains any usernames and passwords associated with your Vantiv platform. You can change the usernames or password by clicking the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the section. Usernames and passwords are optionally applied to the following: Payment FTP, Report FTP, XML, Board.


The Credentials section contains the username and password for your Payout Report FTP. You can change these credentials by clicking the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the section.

VCore Credentials

The VCore Credentials section contains any usernames and passwords associated with your VCore platform. You can change the usernames or password by clicking the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the section. Usernames and passwords are optionally applied to the following: Main FTP, Payout FTP.

SIFT Credentials

The SIFT Credentials section contains a username and API key for your SIFT platform. You can change these credentials by clicking the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the section.

SOCURE Credentials

The SOCURE Credentials section contains a username and API key for your SOCURE platform. You can change these credentials by clicking the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the section.

Related pages

Click the links or items in the page to access any of the following pages:

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