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Login Screen Templates (F)

The Login Screen Templates page contains saved templates that can be displayed as the login screen on your business website, and allows you to edit saved templates or add new ones. The login screen is the display that your user sees when they log in to your website, and the Payrix login templates will help maintain a professional experience.

Navigate to the Login Screen Templates page by clicking Settings in the left hand navigation panel, and then clicking Login Screen Templates in the Business Settings section.

View of the Login Screen Templates page, including the Login Screen Templates Table and the Add a Login Screen Template.

Login Screen Templates Features

Click here to view the features of the Login Screen Templates page.

Login Screen Templates Table

The Login Screen Templates table contains a list of all of your saved templates, and includes the following information:

Login Screen Templates Table Column Name



The name of the saved template.


The date that the template was created.


Indicates that the template is currently in use on one or more websites associated with your account.

Login Screen Templates Table Actions

The Login Screen Templates Table section supports the following actions: edit, designate a template as your active login template, add a new template.

To add a new template, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click the ADD LOGIN SCREEN TEMPLATE icon in the right side of the table to open the Add a Template lightbox.

  • Step 2: Select one of the saved template options and click NEXT at the bottom of the lightbox.

  • Step 3: Enter any Setup Details:

Setup Details Paraemter



The primary header (<h1>) that appears on the template


The sub-heading (<h2>) that appears directly below the header and before the login fields.


The custom identifier shown on the Login Screen Templates page table to help identify each template. Not visible by the end-user.

Primary Color

The background color of the image/icon section outside the user login form.

Primary Color Contrast

The color of the primary text elements shown on the image/icon section of the screen.

Seconday Color

The background color of the user login form area.

Secondary Color Contrast

The font color of the user login form area.

  • Step 4: Click Update to save your changes, or discard your changes and return to the previous page by clicking CANCEL.

To edit your saved templates, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click the PENCIL icon in the right side of the table to open the Template Editing lightbox.

  • Step 2: Select one of the saved template options and click NEXT at the bottom of the lightbox.

  • Step 3: Enter any Setup Details in the open fields in the lightbox.

  • Step 4: Click Update to save your changes, or discard your changes and return to the previous page by clicking CANCEL.

To choose a template to display at login, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Locate the saved template that you want to activate in the table.

  • Step 2: Click the PENCIL icon in the right side of the table to open the Template Editing lightbox for the saved template.

  • Step 2: Click NEXT at the bottom of the lightbox.

  • Step 3: Click the ACTIVE selection box in the upper left hand corner of the lightbox.

  • Step 4: Click UPDATE to save your selection. The template will now display a checkmark in the Active category of the table. Otherwise, discard your changes without saving by clicking CANCEL.

Login Screen Templates Options













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