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Parameters (Referrer Profile)(F)

The Parameters page is a streamlined configuration page that allows users to quickly enable and set exact values for processes like Merchant Boarding, Transaction Processing, Withdrawals, and other additional process options.

Parameters can be assigned to Divisions, Groups, or individual Referrers and Merchants.

Partial view of the Parameters page showing the first ‘General’ category, followed by others.

Parameters Features

Click here to view the features of the Parameters page.

Parameter ID

The parameter ID will be automatically assigned to a new Parameter configuration you create. This can be copied by clicking the CLIPBOARD icon on the field containing the ‘ID’, and used in further API configurations or general recordkeeping.

Parameters Enablement Form

The EDIT icon on the upper right-hand corner of the Parameters page allows you quickly select the Parameters you want to enable and set their values.

To add one or more new parameters, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click ADD PARAMETERS in the upper right-hand corner of the Parameters panel to open the Parameters page.

  • Step 2: Click the EDIT icon on the upper right-hand corner of the page.

  • Step 3: Toggle the checkbox for each category and parameter, then enter the desired value for each enabled parameter. (See list of available parameters below.)

  • Step 4: Add the new parameter to the Referrer profile account by clicking the CHECKMARK icon, or cancel the new entry by clicking the CANCEL icon on the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Note: You can copy the parameter ID from the Parameters page for further API usage.

Click here to view a full list of available parameters.

Parameter Category





Account Verification Disabled

Turn on/off account verification feature

Yes / No

Setup Details Enabled

Will allow certain parameters to be visible by the merchant

Yes / No

Decision Micro-service Enabled

Turn on/off Risk Decision Micro-service.

Yes / No

Transaction Decisions Micro-service Enabled

Turn on/off Transaction Decision Micro-service.

Yes / No


Whether to disable merchant boarding to processors

Turn on/off direct processor boarding from Merchants.

Yes / No

Verify For Boarding Not Required

Require Bank Account Verification before merchant is boarded

Yes / No

Opt Blue Enabled

Boarded merchants should be acquired for Amex processing on the OptBlue program

Yes / No

Discover Acquired Enabled

Boarded merchants should be acquired for Discover processing

Yes / No

Minimum Boarding Ownership

Minimum percentage of ownership required for merchant boarding over all members

Percentage (%)

Boarding Exemptions Disabled

Allow Boarding Exemptions?

Yes / No

Auto Reboard Days

Number of days after merchant's created date to attempt a reboard on a not yet boarded merchant.

The default setting is 60.



Minimum Total Transaction

Defines the minimum total amount for a single transaction to be processed


$ Amount

Maximum Total Transaction

Defines the maximum total amount for a single transaction to be processed


$ Amount

Maximum Daily Transaction Total

Defines the maximum total volume the merchant can process per day


$ Amount

Maximum Daily Transaction Number

Defines the maximum number of transaction the merchant can process per day


$ Amount

Maximum Monthly Total

Defines the maximum total volume the merchant can process per month


$ Amount

Maximum Monthly Transaction Number

Defines the maximum number of transaction the merchant can process per month


Maximum Subscription Failures

Maximum number of attempts allowed on subcription payment


Amex Enabled

Allow Merchants to accept Amex cards

Yes / No

Discover Enabled

Allow Merchants to accept Discover cards

Yes / No

eCheck Enabled

Allow Merchants to accept eCheck

Yes / No

MC 3DSecure Enabled

Allow Merchant to process Mastercard 3DSecure

Yes / No

Visa 3DSecure Enabled

Allow Merchant to process Visa 3DSecure

Yes / No

Amex 3DSecure Enabled

Allow Merchant to process American Express 3DSecure

Yes / No

Discover 3DSecure Enabled

Allow Merchant to process Discover 3DSecure

Yes / No

Auto Tax Exempt Enabled

Whether to assume a transaction is tax exempt if no tax is set for level II processing.

Yes / No

Apple Pay Enabled

Enabling Apple Pay will register the merchant with Apple.

Yes / No

Google Pay Enabled

Enabling Google Pay will register the merchant with Google.

Yes / No


Funding Enabled

Allow boarded merchants to make withdrawals

Yes / No

Verify For Payout Not Required

Require Account Verification before merchant is allowed to make withdrawals

Yes / No

Minimum Payout Delay

Defines the number of days the payout will be delayed from date of request until it is processed


Minimum First Payout Delay

Defines the number of days the first payout will be delayed from date of request until it is processed


Payout Include Pending

Allow withdrawal if pending funds cover the negative balance

Yes / No

Include ACH Holidays and Weekends In Payout Delay

Allow withdrawals over ACH Holidays and Weekends to be delayed.

Yes / No

Minimum Available Funds

Minimum available funds an entity must have. If the entity is below this threshold credit payouts won't be processed and a debit will be processed to bring the entity's funds up to this threshold amount.


$ Amount

Minimum Debited Available Funds

Defines the threshold in the event an automated Debit disbursement is requested, due to the Minimum Available Funds falling below the defined setting, that the entities available funds will be brought back to.


$ Amount

Vendor Fees External

Whether to disburse vendor fees through the external Facilitator operating account.

Yes / No

Min eCheck Capture Delay

The number of days to delay funds processing for an eCheck sale.

The default setting is 1.


Minimum Payout Credit Total

Minimum credit allowed for payout


$ Amount

Minimum Payout Debit Total

Minimum debit allowed for payout


$ Amount

Maximum Payout Credit Total

Maximum credit allowed for payout


$ Amount

Maximum Payout Debit Total

Maximum debit allowed for payout


$ Amount

Minimum Debit Processing Delay

Minimum number of business days before a debit is processed and made available for funding.

The default setting is 5.


MC Instant Payouts Enabled

Enable Instant Payouts (Push To Card) for MasterCard transactions

Yes / No

MC Instant Payout Min

Minimum amount required for instant payout (Push To Card) for MasterCard transactions


$ Amount

MC Instant Payout Max

Maximum amount disbursed for instant payout (Push To Card) for MasterCard transactions


$ Amount

Visa Instant Payouts Enabled

Enable Instant Payouts (Push To Card) for Visa transactions

Yes / No

Visa Instant Payout Minimum

Minimum amount required for instant payout (Push To Card) for Visa transactions


$ Amount

Visa Instant Payout Maximum

Maximum amount disbursed for instant payout (Push To Card) for Visa transactions


$ Amount

Same Day Payouts Enabled

Enable Same Day Payouts

Yes / No

Same Day Payouts Daily Max

Maximum amounts allowed daily for same day payouts


$ Amount

Minimum Same Day Payout Credit Total

Minimum amount of credit transactions required to create a same day payout


$ Amount

Maximum Same Day Payout Credit Total

Maximum amount of credit transactions allowed for same day payout


$ Amount

Minimum Same Day Payout Debit Total

Minimum amount of debit transactions required to create a same day


$ Amount

Maximum Same Day Payout Debit Total

Maximum amount of debit transactions allowed for same day payout


$ Amount

Minimum Funds Payout Total

The minimum total debit allowed for payout.


$ Amount

Minimum Statement Debit Payout Delay

Set a delay on the payout related to a statement.

Set to 0 if it should operate the same as credit payouts.



Vendor Fees Enabled

Whether to allow vendors to create and assess fees on merchants

Yes / No

Refund Releases Reserve

Whether to a refund processed for a reserved transaction will automatically release that reserve

Yes / No

Visa Misuse Settlement

The number of days before an Auth Misuse fee should be charged on a VISA txn that has not settled.

The default setting is 10.


Visa Misuse Card Present Reversal

The number of hours before an Auth Misuse fee should be charged on a card present VISA txn that wasn't reversed within the timeframe.

The default setting is 24.


Visa Misuse Card Not Present Reversal

The number of hours before an Auth Misuse fee should be charged on a card not present Visa txn that wasn't reversed within the timeframe.

The default setting is 72.


Visa Misuse Travel Auto Settlement

The number of days before an Auth Misuse fee should be charged on a VISA txn that has not settled. Applies only to merchants with a Travel & Entertainment MCC.


MasterCard Misuse Settlement

The number of hours before an Auth Misuse fee should be charged on a card not present Mastercard txn that wasn't reversed within the timeframe.

The default setting is 168.


MasterCard Misuse Card Present Reversal

The number of hours before an Auth Misuse fee should be charged on a card present MasterCard txn that wasn't reversed within the timeframe.

The default setting is 24.


MasterCard Misuse Card Not Present Reversal

The number of hours before an Auth Misuse fee should be charged on a card not present MasterCard txn that wasn't reversed within the timeframe.

The default setting is 72.


MasterCard Misuse Travel Auto Reversal

The number of hours before an Auth Misuse fee should be charged on a MasterCard txn that wasn't reversed within the timeframe. Applies only to merchants with a Travel & Entertainment MCC.

The default setting is 480.


Account Updater Enabled

Whether payments will be checked for updates. Payments will be checked and updated if enabled

Yes / No

Account Updater Frequency

The frequency in number of days to check for payment updates.


Update all tokens enabled

When Enabled, this parameter will send all tokens. When NOT enabled, this will only send subscription tokens (tokens associated with recurring billing schedules)

Yes / No

Debit Grace Period

This Parameter will set the number of days a merchant is allowed to carry a negative balance before creating a debit


Negative Balance Limit

This is the maximum negative amount that we will allow for a merchant account. If the account balance goes negative in excess of this amount, the merchant will be instantly debited.


$ Amount

Negative Balance Email

Whether a notification email should be sent to this entity when their balance is negative.

Yes / No

Positive Balance Email

Whether a notification email should be sent to this entity when their balance has been restored from negative to positive.

Yes / No

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