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Reports are a vital tool to help you visualize your business. The Portal automatically compiles data and statistics related to your sales, disputes, merchants, transactions, and other information from your account. This information can be accessed in the form of reports.

By using the Platform’s Reports feature, you can efficiently organize meaningful data and increase the granularity of your business, allowing you to make decisions based on details in recent sales trends.

Reports is a subsection of the Admin category that provides the following functionalities:

  • Create Reports allows you to select a report type and customize its output.

    • Generate Reports provides options to generate various reports within the Portal to view or download.

    • Schedule Reports allows you to set up report generation ahead of time and deliver them to your email(s).

  • Report History displays a searchable list of recent reports.

  • Monthly Statements outlines Merchant transaction activity, fees, refunds, and more. This functionality is only available for Merchants.

  • Tax Documents provides downloadable 1099-K forms for Merchants.

Partial view of the Create Reports page.

More information on Reports and Values


Reporting functionality isn’t available in the Sandbox environment.

Create Reports

The Portal automatically compiles data and statistics related to your sales, disputes, merchants/users, and transaction information from your account.

The Create Reports page offers a dropdown with all reports available to generate from the platform. Create Reports using these steps will allow you to download and compile this information in CSV format.

To generate a report in CSV format:

  1. Choose your desired report type from the Select Report dropdown.

  2. Select the date range for the report under Report Date and select any optional Filter By option.

  3. Click Generate Report.

    After generating your report, you’ll see the prompt stating Your report is ready to be downloaded.

  4. Click the icon to download the CSV file to your device.

Generate Report Options

Generate Quick Reports

Quick Reports allow faster generation of reporting data with simple-to-use filters to streamline your reporting flow in cases where data is needed faster.


Quick Reports can only generate report data from up to 24 hours prior and does not include data from the date of generating the report.

To generate a Quick Report:

  1. Choose your desired report type from the Select Report dropdown list.

  2. Under How would you like to generate your report?, select Quick Reports: Generate reports within a few minutes. Data from today will not be included.

  3. Select the date range for the report using Report Date and select any optional Filter By option.

  4. Click the Generate Report button.

  5. After generating your report, you’ll see the prompt stating Your report is ready to be downloaded with a CSV file download icon.

  6. Click the icon to download the CSV file to your device.

Previously run Quick Reports can be found on the Report History page.

Generate Include All Up-to-date Data Reports

Include all up-to-date data is available for all reports and provide a more comprehensive report generation option at the expense of speed, it can take several minutes to complete generation, but the data is available from up to the moment of generation, whereas Quick Reports are limited to data reported from 24 hours prior at the earliest.

Schedule Reports

Schedule Reports is a feature available on the Reports page that allows entities of all levels to schedule the generation of their reports ahead of time and automatically deliver them to email addresses provided by the user at their preferred interval.

Note the following:

  • Scheduled Reports are not available on the Payrix API.

  • Scheduled Reports use Quick Reports functionality to generate the report. As a result, only reports available for the Quick Reports generation option can be scheduled and data can only be provided from up to 24 hours prior to the generation date and time. For more information, see Generate Quick Reports.

  • Reports that contain more than 24 MB of data cannot be attached to an email and as a result are available only in the Report History page after the given date and time.

To generate a scheduled report:

  1. Click the Schedule Reports tab at the top of the Reports page.

  2. Click Schedule Report to open the New Report Schedule lightbox.

  3. Select an available Quick Report from the Report dropdown.

  4. Under Recurring, select the interval: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

  5. Under Time, select the time of day. Note: This feature is based on the EST time zone.

  6. Under Add Emails, add each relevant email address you want to receive the scheduled report. Note: Emails are separated by a comma or return line upon entry.

  7. (Optional) Under Filter By, include all divisions and Merchants, or choose a specific entity to filter the information by.

  8. Click the Confirm button to finish setting up the scheduled report.

    After generating your report, you’ll receive an email with the report in PDF and Excel-compatible format (CSV) with your filtering preferences applied.

Monthly Statements

The Monthly Statements page is a unique reporting option that allows Merchants exclusively to generate a statement of their transaction activity, interchange rates, fees, refunds, disputes, and more for a given month and year. This type of report is provided in a simple-to-understand document format that includes a coversheet explaining the meanings of each line item to assist in recordkeeping and reconciliation processes.

To generate a Merchant Monthly Statement report:

  1. Click Reports in the left-hand navigation panel to open the Reports drop-down menu.

  2. In the left-hand navigation panel, click Monthly Statement to open the Monthly Statements page.

  3. Select the Month and Year for the Monthly Statement you’d like to see.

  4. Click the Generate button next to the Month and Year to generate the Monthly Statement to be displayed on the page.

    After the statement has been generated, review the data using the following methods:

    Review in the Portal with the Understanding your statements section.

    Download the report in a PDF or Excel-compatible format with an Understanding your statements coversheet.

Tax Documents

Worldpay files a 1099-K form with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for any US Merchant that uses the Payrix platform to process payments and transactions. Merchants can access the portal to download a PDF file of their 1099-K form for the tax year 2018 or later. Worldpay issues each Merchant’s 1099-K form by January 31 for the previous tax year. If a Merchant processes payments on both VAP and VCore within the same tax year, the PDF file will include two 1099-K forms.

To download a 1099-K form for a Merchant, complete the following steps while logged in as the Merchant:

  1. Select Reports in the left navigation panel.

  2. Select the Tax Documents tab.

  3. Select the tax year for which you want to retrieve a 1099-K form. The most recent tax year is selected by default.

  4. Click PDF to download the 1099-K form for the selected year.

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