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Use Case: Generate Reports in the Portal

You can generate different reports offered through the platform to help you better track your business activity, reconcile withdrawals, and verify your business’s income and cost, among other data. This tutorial walks you through the steps to generate a new report from the options available to you.


Partial view of the Reports page.


Generate any report available to your entity.


  • Referrers

  • Merchants


  • Portal (Production)


  • Your Merchant or Referrer account must be fully boarded.

  • Live or test data must be processed through the platform to be available to report.


Warning: Not all reports offer a Quick Reports generation option. For reports that do not offer Quick Reports, the generation time can be up to several minutes based on your settings and filtering criteria.

Warning: Some reports for Referrers might become available through a beta enablement offering. For access to these reports as they are offered, contact your Relationship Manager or Support.


Tip: If you create filters for a report that you will regularly generate, be sure to save it as a template under the Templates dropdown available on the page to automatically apply your report filtering settings from the previously generated report.

Tip: Some portal reports offer generation through Quick Reports, allowing faster load times with less recent data (up to 24 hours before the report generation). A checkbox is displayed to select whether to generate the report using Quick Reports or the Include all up-to-date data generation option, when available.

The report matrix at Available Portal Reports identifies which reports can use Quick Report generation option.

Tip: You can access your previously generated reports on the Report History page for a limited time. Each report shown on this page displays an expiration date indicating when it will no longer be available.

Additional Resources

See the tips below to help you get started.

  • See Available Portal Reports for a matrix of reports available on the portal, the applicable entity levels they’re available for, a brief description of each report, and its intended purpose.

  • See Reporting Values for a table displaying the descriptions of data shown on various reports. This can help identify the data on your reports.

Generate a Report

Ensure that you complete all steps in the following sections.

Access the Reports Page

  1. Click the PLUS icon next to Reports in the left navigation panel to open a dropdown menu.

  2. Click Create Reports in the Reports dropdown menu to open the Reports page.

  3. Make sure the Generate Report tab is selected. This should be selected by default.

Select Your Report

  1. From the Select Report dropdown, select the report you want to generate.

  2. In the Report Date dropdown, select the custom reporting date range or select a preset option.

  3. In the Templates dropdown, select a previously saved report template or create a new one from the parameters being set by clicking Add Template.

  4. (Optional) In the Filter By dropdown, you can optionally add a filter for Users, Merchants, or Divisions.

  5. (Optional) Click Advanced Filters in the upper right to further filter the data displayed in the report by the following:

    • Processing Platform: VCore, Vantiv, or both with status filters (Created, Captured, and Settled) with an option to include Blocked payment transactions

    • Payment Method: AMEX, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Debit, Personal Checking/Savings or Business Checking/Savings with grouping (by Merchant or Division) and an option to include Failed payment transactions

Result: The type of report, filters, and other criteria have been applied, and your report is ready to be generated.

Generate your Report

  1. Click Generate Report to begin generating the report and complete the process.

Result: The selected report data will be displayed on the same page and available for download in CSV and XLS format to import into your account software.

Next Steps

When you’re familiar with the report generation process, review the following use case guides for specific actions that can be taken using different reports:


When the report has finished being generated, you can use the data in a variety of ways to help improve your business or just for metrics tracking.

  • The report will also be made available under the Report History page until the expiration date that is displayed on the page.


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