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Use Case: Process a Card Payment with Quick Charge

You can easily process card payments using the Quick Charge tile on your portal dashboard. This tutorial walks you through the steps to accept a credit or debit card payment from a customer using the Quick Charge tile.

Partial view of the Dashboard page, showing the Quick Charge tile.


Use the Quick Charge tile to process a card payment.


  • Merchants


  • Portal (Sandbox)

  • Portal (Production)



  • You must have a fully boarded Merchant account to perform any of the actions described in this use case guide.

  • You must have access to the card number and contact information for the customer that you are charging. You can access saved card information in your Customer Profile if the customer and their payment method were saved in a previous transaction.


Warning: Quick Charge cannot process Level 2 or 3 interchange data. As a result, its transactions cannot qualify for different interchange rates past Level 1.


Tip: You can accept a payment quickly and easily with the Quick Charge tile or the Create Payment form. Quick Charge enables you to quickly capture customer and payment information right from the dashboard. The Quick Charge tile only supports Level 1 data. The Create Payment form provides a way to accept a payment and includes the option to enter Level 2 and 3 information.

Additional Resources

  • See Payment Acceptance for more information about accepting payments through the platform.

Process a Card Payment with Quick Charge

Ensure that you complete all steps in the following sections.

Access the Quick Charge Tile

The Quick Charge tile is located in the upper-left corner of the dashboard. You will automatically be directed to your dashboard when you log in to the platform. You can also access the dashboard from anywhere in the platform by clicking DASHBOARD in the left navigation panel.

Enter the Quick Charge Information

  1. Enter the charge amount and customer contact information in the Quick Charge tile fields.

  2. Select SALE from the Charge Type dropdown menu.

Authorization Only Option

You can optionally use Authorization Only to obtain approval to reserve the amount of funds that will be used for a full payment at a later time.

  1. Leave the Payment Method dropdown menu on the default setting to enter new card information on the next page, or select a previously saved payment method from the dropdown menu.

Paying With Saved Payment Information

If you are charging a stored payment method, select it from the Payment Method dropdown menu.

If you are charging a card that is not saved to your profile, keep the Create New Payment Method dropdown menu in its default setting. You will enter the new card information in the next step.

  1. (Optional) To save the customer information for future charges, select Save Customer Information in the lower-left corner of the tile.

Process the Payment

  1. Click PROCESS PAYMENT to advance to the next step.

Using a previously saved payment method.

Result: The charge will be processed.

Using a new payment method.

When you click PROCESS PAYMENT, the Card Information lightbox will open on the page.

  1. Enter the customer's card number, expiration date, CVV code, and name on the card.

  2. Click PAY AMOUNT USD/CAN to complete the payment.

Card Payment Error Message

If any credit card information entered in the Quick Charge fields is incorrect, an error message will appear after you click PAY AMOUNT. Check the information on the card and reenter any information that was incorrect.

Result: The charge will be processed.

Next Steps

After the payment is processed, review the following use case guides for additional information on related topics:


After the card payment is submitted with the correct information, the charge will be processed and you can navigate away from the page. You will receive a payment confirmation email, and the payment will show in the table on the Payment History page.


Click the links or items below to access any of the following pages:

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