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Division Profile (F)

The Division Profile page contains information about a specific division associated with your account. On this page, you can edit profile details and control settings that affect all members of the division.

Navigate to the Division Profile page by clicking Divisions in the left hand navigation panel. Locate the specific division in the Divisions Table, then click any information for the division to open the Division Profile page.

Partial view of the Division Profile page, including the Division Profile Details Tab.

Division Profile Features

Click here to view the features of the Division Profile page.

Division Profile Details

The Division Profile Details tab is the top tab in the left hand tab panel. It contains editable information about the division, including the following information:

Division Profile Details Tab Field Name



The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the division.


The date that the division was created.


The division name.


The Payrix-generated login ID number.


The email address associated with the division.

To edit the division profile information, click the PENCIL icon in the upper right hand corner of the tab. Edit your information, and then click the CHECK MARK icon to save your changes or click the X icon to discard changes.

Division Profile Settings Tabs

The remaining tabs in the left hand side panel on the Division Profile page contain settings that you can customize to allow members of the division to view, edit, and create profit shares. For more information on each tab contents, click the link in the tab name in the table below to access its documentation.

Division Profile Settings Tab Name



The Host tab displays a list of all host URLS associated with the division, and allows you to add new hosts.

Profit Shares

The Profit Shares tab displays a table of profit shares associated with the division, and allows you to add new profit shares.

Work Flows

The Work Flows tab displays a table of all work flows for the division, and allows you to add new work flows.


The Parameters tab displays a list of settings that control how the division accepts payments and fees, and allows you to add new parameters.

Entity Routes

The Entity Routes tab contains a table of all entity routes associated with the division, and allows you to add new entity routes or remove saved entries.

Invoice Settings

The Invoice Settings tab contains editable details that are included with any invoices sent to customers or merchants.

Funding Parameters

The Funding Parameters tab contains details of the division’s funding parameters, and allows you to add new parameters to the profile.

Payment Methods

The Payment Methods tab allows you to control whether your division can use Apple Pay and Google Pay for their sales transactions.

Related Pages:

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