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Use Case: Set Up Merchant Statement Billing

You can set up recurring statement billing to take fee amounts from a Merchant’s balance by setting up a monthly billing statement. Statement Billing helps with monthly reconciliation by tracking each fee as a statement entry before consolidating by fee type into a single statement bill. This tutorial walks you through the steps to create a new recurring billing schedule.

Screenshot 2024-01-17 144016 uc bil sched.png

Partial view of the Billing Schedules tab.


Create a recurring billing schedule that withdraw fees from a Merchant account.


  • Referrers


  • Portal (Sandbox)

  • Portal (Production)



  • You must have a fully boarded Payrix account to perform any of the actions described in the use case guides.

  • You must outline your platform billing costs in your terms of service to avoid legal complications.


Warning: Do not create or apply surcharges, as legal complications can occur. Visa and MasterCard specifically prohibit the application of surcharges to cardholders on their respective card brand networks.


Tip: A recurring statement billing can be an alternative to a transaction fee, because statement billing allows for easier reconciliation each month. For more information on transaction fees, see Set Up Transaction Fees.

Tip: If you’re unsure of how much to charge for a specific fee type, refer to the Visa and MasterCard card brand network guidelines.

Additional Resources

  • For more information about different statement and net billing structures, see Billing.

  • For more information about different statement billing statuses, see Statement Billing Statuses.

Set Up Merchant Monthly Statement Billing

Ensure that you complete all steps in a section to enable that statement billing type.

Set Up a Monthly Statement Billing for a Group of Merchants

Click here to set up a monthly statement billing for a group of Merchants.

Open the Group Profile

  1. Click GROUPS in the left navigation panel to open the Groups page.

  2. Locate the group in the table and select any information in the table row to open the Group Profile page.

Add a Billing Schedule to the Group Profile

  1. Click BILLING SCHEDULE in the list of tabs on the left side of the page.

  2. Click ADD BILLING SCHEDULES in the upper-right corner of the page to open the Add Billing Schedule lightbox on the page.

  3. Select a billing schedule interval from the Schedule dropdown menu:

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Annually

  4. Enter the schedule interval number in the Interval field. The schedule interval number indicates how frequently the scheduled billing event appears on your billing statement.

  5. Enter the start date by clicking on the calendar in the Start Date field. By default, the start date is set to the current date.

  6. (Optional) Enter an end date by clicking on the calendar in the End Date field.

  7. (Optional) Enter a collection factor in the Collection Factor field. A collection factor is how often the billing schedule occurs. Choose from the following:

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Annually

  8. Enter the collection offset number in the Collection Offset field. A collection offset is the set interval in which bill collection may be delayed or initiated early.

  9. Choose the currency by selecting UNITED STATES DOLLAR or CANADIAN DOLLAR from the Currency dropdown menu.

  10. (Optional) Enter a description for the new billing schedule.

  11. Click ADD to save the new billing schedule.

Result: The new billing schedule appears on the Billing Schedules tab on the Group Profile page, and fees will be collected from the Merchants in the group based on the billing schedule settings.

Set Up a Monthly Statement Billing for an Individual Merchant

Click here to set up a monthly statement billing for an individual Merchant.

Open the Merchant Profile

  1. Click MERCHANTS in the left navigation panel to open the Merchants page.

  2. Locate the Merchant in the table and select any information in the table row to open the Merchant Profile page.

Add a Billing Schedule to the Merchant Profile

  1. Click BILLING SCHEDULE in the list of tabs on the left side of the page.

  2. Click ADD BILLING SCHEDULES in the upper-right corner of the page to open the Add Billing Schedule lightbox on the page.

  3. Select a billing schedule interval from the Schedule dropdown menu:

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Annually

  4. Enter the schedule interval number in the Interval field. The schedule interval number indicates how frequently the scheduled billing event appears on your billing statement.

  5. Enter the start date by clicking on the calendar in the Start Date field. By default, the start date is set to today’s date.

  6. (Optional) Enter an end date by clicking on the calendar in the End Date field.

  7. (Optional) Enter a collection factor in the Collection Factor field. A collection factor is how often the billing schedule occurs. Choose from the following:

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Annually

  8. Enter the collection offset number in the Collection Offset field. A collection offset is the set interval in which bill collection may be delayed or initiated early.

  9. Choose the currency by selecting UNITED STATES DOLLAR or CANADIAN DOLLAR from the Currency dropdown menu.

  10. (Optional) Enter a description for the new billing schedule.

  11. Click ADD to save the new billing schedule.

Result: The new billing schedule appears on the Billing Schedules tab on the Merchant Profile page, and fees will be collected from the Merchant based on the billing schedule settings.

Next Steps

After adding the new billing schedule, review the following use case guides for additional information on related topics:


After the billing schedule is created, it will automatically trigger at the scheduled intervals.


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