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Costs (F)

The Costs page contains details about a specific cost associated with your account, and allows you to edit existing cost details or add cost modifiers or rules.

Navigate to an individual cost page by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click on Settings in the left hand navigation panel.

  • Step 2: Click on Fees in the Payment Settings section.

  • Step 3: Locate the specific cost in the Costs Table.

  • Step 4: Click on any information for the specific cost to open the Costs page.

Partial view of the Costs page, including the Cost Details and the Edit icon.

Costs Features

Click here to view the features of the Costs page.

Cost Details

The top of the Costs page contains the editable Cost Details section, including the following fields:

Cost Details Field Name



The Payrix-generated ID associated with the cost.


The date that the cost was created.

Charging Entity ID

The Payrix-generated ID associated with the entity charging the cost.

Charging Entity

The name of the entity charging the cost.


The Partition taking on the specified or assigned costs.

Partition Name

The name of the partition.


The date that the cost is first charged.


The last date that the cost is charged.


A description of the cost.


The name of the cost.


The status of the cost: Active or Inactive.


The dollar amount of the cost.


The type of cost.


How often the cost is charged.


The type of currency used to charge the cost.


How the cost collection occurs. Choose from the following: None, Total Transaction Volume, Total Transaction Volume per Tax ID, or Total Transaction Volume per Merchant.

Collection Factor

How often the cost is incurred. Choose from the following: Days, Weeks, Months, or Years.

Collection Offset

Defines the frequency associated with float timing, related to the dollar amount that will be withheld from your payout.

Transaction Fee

Any transaction fee that occurs when the cost is incurred.

Cost Details Actions

To edit the Cost Details section, click the EDIT icon in the upper right hand corner of the section. Edit information related to the cost, and then click the CHECK MARK icon to save your changes or click the X icon to discard changes.

Cost Rules

Cost rules can be implemented to create conditions that must be met before a cost is incurred. The Cost Rules section, located below the Cost Details section, allows you to apply cost rules to a specific cost, or create new conditional cost rules.

Follow the steps below to add an existing rule to a cost:

  • Step 1: Click on the black triangle to open the drop down menu in the Cost Rules section.

  • Step 2: Select the cost rule that will be applied to the cost. Choose the rule from the following list:

    • None

    • Transaction is less than

    • Transaction is equal to

    • Transaction is not equal to

    • Transaction is more than

    • Credit card magnetic strip was

    • Credit Card EMV Chip was

    • Signature was received

    • Transaction type is

    • Payment Card Type is

    • Payment Card Brand is

    • CVV result is

    • AVS result is

    • Merchant Country is

    • Card Issuer Country Transaction is

    • International Same day payout 3ds result is

    • Misuse Bin Corporate Bin Funding currency is

    • Funding currency is not

    • Funding currency mismatch

    • Settled currency mismatch

    • Subscription

    • Funding Enabled

    • Imported

    • Status

    • Business

    • Bins

    • Entity matches

    • Transaction originates from

    • Interchange type is

    • Transaction related to another transaction

    • Related transaction is this many days apart

    • Related transaction amount is this percentage lower

    • Related transaction amount is this percentage higher

    • Merchant MCC is

    • Transaction is on this platform

  • Step 3 (Optional): Add a second conditional rule by clicking the + icon on the right hand side of the rule drop down menu, and an additional drop down menu will open.

  • Step 4 (Optional): Remove a rule by clicking the X icon on the right hand side of the rule drop down menu.

  • Step 5 (Optional): Create a conditional rules group where EITHER of the following conditions must be met by clicking CREATE CONDITIONAL RULES GROUP in the lower left hand corner of the Cost Rules page.

  • Step 6: Save your cost rule changes by clicking the CHECK MARK icon in the upper right hand corner of the section, or delete your changes by clicking the X.

Cost Modifiers

Cost modifiers are found in the section below Cost Rules, and are used to modify costs incurred when a specific group of entities triggers a cost. Previously saved cost modifiers are displayed in a table with the following information:

Cost Modifier Table Column Name



The group that the cost modifier affects.


The entity that the fee modification (the fee payment itself) is sent to and received.

From Entity ID

The Payrix-generated ID for the entity who’s balance is being deducted to make said fee payment.

Markup Amount

The markup amount, shown as percentage or dollar amount.

Cost Modifier Section Actions

To add a new cost modifier, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click ADD COST MODIFIERS in the top right hand corner of the section to open the Cost Modifier lightbox in the page.

  • Step 2: Enter the cost modifier information into the lightbox fields.

  • Step 3: Save the new cost modifier by clicking ADD, or cancel by clicking CANCEL.

To remove a previously saved cost modifier, click the THREE DOTS icon in the right hand side of the table and then click DELETE in the lightbox.


The Entries section is located at the bottom of the Costs page, and contains a table of recent transactions associated with your merchants or groups. The table contains the following information in the default view:

Entries Table Column Name



The Payrix-generated ID associated with the entry.


The date and time that the transaction occurred.


The type of entry event, which can include a transaction, chargeback, disbursement, refund, withdrawal, or other type of event.


The total dollar amount of the transaction.

Entries Section Actions

Access more details about a specific entry by clicking on any information in the Entry table row to open the Entry Details page.

Customize Your Entries Table View

You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.

Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Entries table:

Click here to view Fees customizations.

Entries Data

  • ID

  • Date

  • Event Total

  • Event ID

  • Description

  • Date Created

  • Created by

  • Date Modified

  • Modified By

  • From Entity ID

  • Fee ID

  • Disbursement ID

  • Refund ID

  • TXN ID

  • Dispute ID

  • Adjustment ID

  • Opposing Entry

Entity Data

  • Company

  • Created by

  • Date Modified

  • Modified By

  • Login ID

  • Parameters ID

  • Type

  • Address

  • City

  • Zip

  • State

  • Country

  • Phone

  • Fax

  • Email

  • EIN

  • Currency

  • Custom Website

  • T&C Version

  • T&C Date

  • TIN Status

Filter the Table by Processed, Pending, or Statement

View a single category of transaction by choosing one of the three buttons at the top left in the table: PROCESSED, PENDING, or STATEMENT. The table will repopulate to show only transactions of the category selected.

Related pages

Click the links or items in the page to access any of the following pages:

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