Use Case: Schedule Reports for Regular Email Delivery
You can use the Schedule Report tab available on the Reports page to set up the generation of available reports ahead of time and deliver the CSV file to the email addresses of your choice and at the interval and time of your choice. This tutorial walks you through the steps to set up scheduled email delivery for your preferred Quick Reports.

Partial view of the Create Reports page Schedule Reports tab.
Schedule a report available to your entity for delivery to specific email addresses.
Portal (Production)
Your Merchant or Referrer account must be fully boarded.
Live or test data must be processed through the platform to be available to report.
You must have at least one valid email address to receive the report delivery.
Warning: Not all reports are available for the Schedule Reports generation option. Only reports available with Quick Reports can be scheduled.
Warning: Some future reports for Referrers might become available through a beta enablement offering. For access to these reports as they are offered, contact your Relationship Manager or Support.
Warning: Scheduled Reports use Quick Reports functionality to generate the report. As a result, only reports available for the Quick Reports generation option can be scheduled (as shown in Reporting) and data can only be provided from up to 24 hours before the generation date and time.
Warning: Email addresses are entered manually, meaning any mistyped address will result in not receiving the report as intended.
Warning: Reports that contain more than 24 MB of data cannot be attached to an email and, as a result, will be available only on the Report History page after the given date and time.
Tip: You can access your previously scheduled and generated reports on the Report History page for a limited period. Each report shown on this page displays an expiration date indicating when it will no longer be available.
Additional Resources
See the tips below to help you get started.
See Reporting for various reporting options and more information about scheduled reports.
See Available Portal Reports for a matrix of Quick Reports available for scheduling on the portal, the applicable entity levels they’re available for, a brief description of each report, and its intended purpose.
See Reporting Values for a table displaying the descriptions of data shown on various reports. This can help identify the data on your reports.
Schedule a Report for Email Delivery
Ensure that you complete all steps in the following sections.
Access the Reports Page
Click the PLUS icon next to Reports in the left navigation panel to open a dropdown menu.
Click Create Reports in the Reports dropdown menu to open the Reports page.
Click the Schedule Report tab.
Configure the Scheduled Report
Click the Schedule Report tab at the top of the Reports page.
Click Schedule Report to open the New Report Schedule lightbox.
In the lightbox, select an available Quick Report from the Reports dropdown.
Under Recurring, select the interval: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
Under Time, select the time of day. (Note: This feature is based on Eastern Standard Time.)
Under Add Emails, add each relevant email address that should receive the scheduled report. (Note: Emails are separated by a comma or return line upon entry.)
(Optional) Under Filter By, include all divisions and Merchants, or choose a specific entity you’d like to filter the information by.
Click Confirm to finish setting up the scheduled report.
Result: After generating your report, you’ll receive an email with the report in PDF and Excel-compatible format (CSV) with your filtering preferences applied.
When the report has finished being generated and is delivered to your email, you can use the data in a variety of ways to help improve your business or just for metrics tracking.
The report will also be made available under the Report History page until the expiration date that is displayed on the page.