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Work Flows (F)

This topic describes the following pages:

  • Work Flows

  • Work Flow

  • Work Flow Action

The Work Flows page displays a table of all work flows saved to your account. Work flows are a set of functions that are triggered following an action by any users in your Team, such as merchant onboarding. Using this page, you can access information about a specific saved work flow, or create a new work flow.

To access the Work Flows page:

  1. Click Settings in the left hand navigation panel.

  2. Click Work Flows in the Payment Settings section of the Settings page.


Work Flows Features

Click here to view the features of the Work Flows page.

Saved Work Flows Table

The Saved Work Flows table displays a list of all work flows associated with your account, including the following information:

Work Flows Table Column Name



The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the work flow.


The trigger that initiates the work flow. Choose from the following:

  • Create: Creating any kind of transactions, refund, disbursement, etc.

  • Low: Triggers an action based on a minimum threshold transaction set by the owner or referrer.

  • High: Triggers an action based on a transaction limit threshold.

  • Board: Any action having to do with boarding a merchant.

Work Flow Tab Actions

The Work Flow tab supports adding a new work flow, removing a work flow, and accessing more information.

To add a new work flow:

  1. Click ADD WORK FLOW to open the Work Flow lightbox in the page.

  2. Enter the required information in the lightbox fields.

  3. To add the work flow to the team profile, click ADD WORK FLOW.

To remove an existing work flow from the table:

  1. Click the THREE DOTS icon on the right hand side of the row of the specific work flow to open the Delete lightbox.

  2. Remove the work flow by clicking DELETE in the lightbox.

To access more information about a specific work flow, click any information in the table to open the Work Flow page.

Work Flow (F)

The Work Flow page contains editable information about a specific work flow saved in your Work Flows table, as well as information about actions triggered when the work flow is implemented.

To access the Work Flow page:

  1. Click Settings in the left hand navigation panel.

  2. Click Work Flows in the Payment Settings section.

  3. Locate the specific work flow in the Saved Work Flow table, and click any information in the row to open the Work Flow page.

Partial view of the Work Flow page, including the Work Flow Details section.

Work Flow Features

Click here to view the features of the Work Flow page.

Work Flow Details

The Work Flow Details section contains details about the work flow, including the following information:

Work Flow Details Field Name



The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the work flow.


The date that the work flow was created.


The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the user that created the work flow.


Any groups of users that can trigger the work flow.


The trigger that initiates the work flow. Choose from the following:

  • Create: Creating any kind of transactions, refund, disbursement, etc.

  • Low: Triggers an action based on a minimum threshold transaction set by the owner or referrer.

  • High: Triggers an action based on a transaction limit threshold.

  • Board: Any action having to do with boarding a merchant.

Work Flow Details Action

To edit information in the Work Flow Detail section:

  1. Click the PENCIL icon in the upper right hand corner of the section.

  2. Edit information related to the work flow.

  3. Click the CHECK MARK icon to save your changes or click the X icon to discard changes.

Work Flow Actions

The Work Flow Actions section contains a table of any actions that are triggered during the work flow, including the following information:

Work Flow Actions Table Column Name



The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the work flow action.

Group ID

The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the group of users linked with the work flow.

Group Name

The name of the user group.


A description of the action that occurs following the work flow trigger.

Work Flow Actions Table

The Work Flow Actions Table supports adding an action, deleting an action, and accessing more information.

To add a new action:

  1. Click ADD WORK FLOW ACTION in the top right hand corner of the section to open the Add Work Flow Action lightbox in the page.

  2. Enter the required information into the lightbox fields.

  3. Save the action by clicking ADD.

To remove a previously saved action:

  1. Click the THREE DOTS icon in the right hand side of the table.

  2. Click DELETE in the lightbox.

To access more information, click any information in the table row to open the Work Flow Action page.

Work Flow Action (F)

The Work Flow Action page contains editable details about a specific action that is triggered during a Work Flow.

To access the Work Flow Action page:

  1. Click Settings in the left hand navigation panel.

  2. Click Work Flows in the Payment Settings section.

  3. Locate the specific work flow in the Saved Work Flow table, and click any information in the row to open the Work Flow page.

  4. Locate the specific action in the Actions table, and click any information to open the Work Flow Action page.

View of the Work Flow Action page, including the Action Details section and the edit icon.

Work Flow Action Features

Click here to view the features of the Work Flow Action page.

Work Flow Action Details

The Work Flow Action Details section contains a list of details about the action, including the following information:

Work Flow Action Details Field Name


Work Flow Action Details Field Name



The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the action.


The date that the action was created.


The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the user that created the work flow.

Work Flow

The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the work flow.


The group of users that the action is applied to when the work flow is triggered.


A description of the type of action.

To edit information in the Work Flow Action Details section,

  1. Click the PENCIL icon in the upper right hand corner of the section.

  2. Edit information related to the action.

  3. Click the CHECK MARK icon to save your changes or click the X icon to discard changes.

Related Pages:

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