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Use Cases: Entity Management

Welcome to the Entity Management Use Case Tutorials!

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Payrix Portal user, these tutorials are designed to help you with essential entity configurations to streamline setup and usage for Referrers and Merchants. Explore step-by-step guides with tips and resources tailored to users of the platform.

What you’ll learn:

  • Create a division: How to set up a Referrer’s portfolio for branding and Merchant boarding purposes

  • White label the portal: How to set your Referrer’s portal to reflect that Referrer’s branding elements

  • Set up a group: How to create an organized assortment of Merchants, sharing all settings and fees

  • Add Merchants to groups: Manual or automated, add or remove Merchants from groups as needed

Dive into the tutorials below and start your journey toward mastering entity management.

Entity Management Use Cases

Tip: New to the platform? Enhance your understanding of key concepts and processes by exploring reference material for entity management:

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